The amount of heat created from an alcohol burner.

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The amount of heat created from an alcohol burner


I am trying to find how much heat is evolved from the reaction going on from an alcohol burner. I will use a more specified version of the following apparatus.

I am going to use an alcohol burner to burn certain amounts of alcohol. From this I can see how much alcohol is burnt when it is heating distilled water to a certain temperature. The container we have been told to use is a can.

Because I am burning alcohol's, I will need to take some safety precautions, such as wearing safety goggles, and not sitting down when the experiment is being taken place.

For the experiment I am going to use 5 different alcohols. They go in order, from 1 carbon atom in Methanol to 5 in Pentanol. I predict there will be a change in energy given off. I think the more carbons there are the more energy produced as there are more bonds. "In a chemical reaction, bonds in the reactant molecule are broken and new ones are made. Atoms are rearranged. Energy has to be put in to break bonds, and energy is given out when bonds form.

The formulae for the alcohols are below, with a general formula:

I am going to see how much alcohol is needed to heat 150ml of water for ten degrees, by weighing the amount of alcohol used up. I will take 3 sets of results so that my results are fair and I can rule out any anomalies I will take the average of all the tests put together. I will have to measure the alcohol burner before and after to find the amount used during the burning. I will also have to use a thermometer so that I can make sure that there is only 100C change so that I use the right amount of alcohol.

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I have to try and make sure the place where I take the experiment is more or less the same. This is because if I sat near the window for one experiment and didn’t for the other experiment it will not be a fair test.

There are certain variables that I need to control to make sure that the experiment is carried out in a fair way:

Mass of water

Length of wick on burner

Type of alcohol

Height of can above flame

Type of can


I predict that when the alcohol has more carbon atoms the moles ...

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