The amount of sunlight there is affects how much starch is there in the leaf so I think the leaf with sunlight will have starch but the one without will not have any starch

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Aim: To find out how important sunlight is for the plants.

Hypothesis:  The amount of sunlight there is affects how much starch is there in the leaf so I think the leaf with sunlight will have starch but the one without will not have any starch


  • Dependent: Rate of photosynthesis (Use identical plants)
  • Independent: Amount of sunlight given ( Put one under the sun and cover the other one with black plastic bag)
  • Controlled: The conditions (Temperature, water, minerals, Humidity, light and controlling pest) We can manipulate them by putting the plants on the same place and using same soil)
  • Uncontrolled: Weather, quality of equipments, Temperature of the room.
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Materials (Apparatus):

1.2 plants

2. Plastic bag

3. Beaker

4. Test tube

5. Lighter

6. Bunsen burner

7. Tripod stand

8. Wire gauze

9. Thermometer







Use two identical plants and put one of them with a lamp.

  1. Cover one plant with black plastic bag.
  2. Wait for several days.
  3. Prepare all the materials needed for the experiment
  4. Set up the equipments.
  5. Take one leaf from the both plants.
  6. Put the beaker filled with hot water on the wire gauze.
  7. Turn the valve to ...

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