The Biological importance of water

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Mubashar Ishfaq  

The Biological importance of water

Water is an essential element to life. Without it there would be no life on this earth. Water is a single molecule made up of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms (H20). Water molecules are charged (polar), where by the oxygen atom is slightly negative and the hydrogen atoms are positive. These opposite charges attract each other to form hydrogen bonds.

Because water is charged water is a very good solvent. This allows many substances to dissolve in it. Substances that dissolve in water are known to be hydrophilic (water loving). Ionic substances such as sodium chloride and many other organic substances such as glucose can dissolve in water. Because water can dissolve many substances, it can act as a transport medium. For example it can transport minerals to lakes and seas and can also remove metabolic wastes such as urea and ammonia in urine.

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Water has also a specific heat capacity. This means that a lot of heat energy is needed to change the state of water from liquid to gas (100°C to change from liquid to gas). This means that water does not change its temperature very easily. This is ideal in human and animal bodies as it allows the temperature of the body to stay maintained. Also, because human cells are made up of mostly water, the specific heat capacity allows the cells to not get denatured. If the temperature does rise in plants or animals then water can act as ...

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*** An overview of this topic which is quite superficial in places and needs more specific examples.