The Biological Importance of Water as a Solvent and as a Medium for Living Organisms, including Change of State and Specific Heat Capacity

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The Biological Importance of Water as a Solvent and as a Medium for Living Organisms, including Change of State and Specific Heat Capacity

        Water is essential for all forms of life. Without water, simply nothing would live, not even the tiniest forms such as bacteria which need oxygen, warmth and water to survive and grow. But not to mention that our bodies mass contains a massive 80% of water. Water is not only the bare essentials for life but it also plays a vital role as a medium for living organisms. The ocean:- life originally evolved in an aqueous habitat and although there is life on land not all forms can live on it and therefore the ocean provides a good habitat for many varieties of life.

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        Not only is water a habitat for life but it is also vital for the structure of many organisms, i.e. in plants and humans. Plants need water to make their cells rigid in order to support the plant- especially the stem and it does this due to the fact that water is incompressible. Moreover, a plant needs water to grow. It uses a process called active uptake to take water up through it’s roots against the concentration gradient in order for the plant to absorb water and ions from the soil. Plants also use water for keeping a constant temperature ...

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