The cause and consequences of atherosclerosis and hypertension and the use and action of Beta blockers.

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Rohit Gumber

The cause and consequences of atherosclerosis and hypertension and the use and action of Beta blockers.  

As animals grew in size and complexity, the need arose for a system to transport materials, especially food, oxygen, carbon dioxide and wastes. This system must service every cell in the body. In humans, this is achieved by having capillaries within diffusing distance of them. The fluid is circulated by a specialised pump – the heart. The blood is circulated around the body in vessels called arteries and returned to the blood by veins.

Arteriosclerosis is a chronic disease caused by the abnormal thickening and hardening of the arteries, with a resulting loss of elasticity. The major form of arteriosclerosis is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease of both large and medium sized arteries, in which plaques of fatty deposits, or atheromas, form on the inner walls of the arteries. In atherosclerosis,   in the circulating blood are gradually deposited on the inner linings of arteries over a period of years. As more cholesterol is deposited on the lining, initially tiny lesions enlarge and thicken to form plaques, narrowing the vessel channel and interfering with the flow of blood through it. The formation of fatty deposits may also be accompanied by scar tissue and , which make the vessel walls less elastic and causes high blood pressure. It is very common to get atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries (which deliver blood to the heart muscle). This decreased blood supply to the heart, known as ischemia, can be one of the causes of chest pain called  (if the coronary arteries are involved). Atherosclerosis is a leading cause of death in the U.S. Using information from COHIS: Cardiovascular Diseases: Vessel Disorder: Atherosclerosis I found that the main consequences of atherosclerosis are:

  •  (discussed below)

when the blood pressure in either arteries or veins is abnormally high.

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when the blood vessels going to the heart to supply it with blood (so it can keep on beating) get smaller in size and so, not enough blood gets to the heart causing problems

  • Myocardial infarction

, can be due to the  or not enough blood going to the heart


can be due to an  that gets stuck in the  and doesn't let brain get enough blood

  •  formation

the blood vessels open up, get weak at places, and form balloon like structures that can burst


a  that will ...

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