the chemistry of iron

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Write an essay on the chemistry of iron


Iron has an electronic configuration of .  It is a d-block element.  Also, iron is a transition metal.  It has all the properties of a transition metal, including variable oxidation states, complex formation, coloured ions and catalytic properties.

General properties of iron

Like other metals, iron has a shiny surface.  It conducts heat and electricity well.  Iron is very tough, so it is always used as building materials.  Moreover, iron is cheap when compared with other metals; therefore, it is widely used in all kinds of manufacturing.

Variable oxidation states

Since the successive ionization enthalpies of transition metals only increases gradually and in particular, the energy difference between 3d and 4s shells is very small, transition metals have variable oxidation states.  Iron has two major oxidation states: +2 and +3.




As Fe3+ has a half-filled 3d subshell, Fe3+ has extra stability over Fe2+.  This can be reflected from the particularly low third ionization enthalpy.  Fe2+ can readily be oxidized to Fe3+.

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Coloured ions and complex formation

Complex is formed when ligands form dative covalent bonds with the central atom/ion.  Transition metal ions like Fe2+ and Fe3+ can form complexes with ligands readily because they have large charge/radius ratio and low lying vacant d-orbitals available for accepting the lone-pair electrons of the ligands.  After forming complexes, the d-orbitals of the transition metal ions split into two groups with slightly different energy levels.  Thus, the 3d electrons can absorb light to transit from a lower energy level to a higher energy level.  This results in coloured ions.

When Fe(II) salt is dissolved in ...

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In one or two places the grammar is incorrect. For example, iron is always used 'as' building materials would be better as 'in' building material. Otherwise, spelling, grammar and punctuation are okay.

The layout and analysis of this essay is one that goes beyond GCSE knowledge in complexity. The writer also links the properties of ion with its uses which shows thinking outside the box. The depth of the essay and the clear explanations of variable oxygen states is one I would expect from an A level student. The essay covers a wide range of view points in great chemical depth.

Overall an exemplary essay piece. The introduction is neatly set out, covers the basics of iron as an element and mentions what the main topics of conversation are that the writer is going to cover. The essay also uses correct scientific chemical formula for the equation. The response to the question covers all the main properties of ion with an in depth and very clearly presented chemical essay presented to a high standard.