The comparison of bacterial content in a range of milks.

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Yasmin White 1210

The comparison of bacterial content in a range of milks


Milk is a nutritious food. It is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, and vitamin D and a good source of protein, vitamin A, potassium, and several B vitamins. These constituents differ widely in molecular size and solubility, therefore milk is a complex physiochemical system. The enzymes found in cow’s milk are: protease, amylase, lactase, lipase, xanthine oxidase, phosphatase, aldolase, catalase, and peroxidase. It’s the lipase here that can cause hydrolytic rancidity. The smallest molecules, those of salts, lactose, and water-soluble vitamins, are in ‘true solution’. The proteins, including the enzymes, are in the colloidal state (suspension in the liquid) because of the large size of their molecules. Lactose (milk sugar) is a white crystalline disaccharide, it has the same molecular formula as sucrose (C12H22O11) but it differs in structure, making it an isomer. It contains the simple sugars, glucose and galactose. Galactose is catalysed by lactase. When milk sours, the lactose is converted by bacteria to lactic acid, this causes a change in the milk’s consistency. Milk is often naturally contaminated with bacteria.

 Lactobacillus and Streptococcus Lactis (the two most common lactic acid bacteria) produce lactic acid during fermentation:


        Bacteria are very small organisms, each being a living cell. Most bacteria are between 0.0005mm to 0.002 mm long and they rarely exceed 0.01mm in length. Whether or not the bacteria move, all must respire; most use oxygen, respiring aerobically, while others, including several of the pathogenic or disease-causing bacteria, respire anaerobically.

Anaerobic respiration:

Anaerobic respiration is the release of energy from food material by a process of chemical breakdown that does not require oxygen. The food e.g. Carbohydrate, is not broken down completely to carbon dioxide and water but to intermediate compounds such as lactic acid or alcohol.                              

             C6H12O6  →  2CO2 +  2C2H3OH + (118KJ)

Some bacteria derive all their energy from anaerobic respiration, and the end products are frequently lactic acid; the processes know as fermentation. Fermented milk has distinct flavours and aromas, depending on the incubation conditions and the microbial inocula used. All fermented dairy products result from similar manufacturing techniques, in which acid produced through microbial activity causes protein denaturation. To carry out the process, one usually inoculates milk with the desired starter culture, incubates it at optimum temperature, and then stops microbial growth by cooling. Lactobacillis and Lactococcus lactis cultures are used for aroma and acid production. The organism Lactococcus lactis gives a special buttery flavour to the finished product. The use of these microorganisms with skimmed milk produces cultured buttermilk, and when cream is used, sour cream is the result.

Lactobacilli carry out either a Homolactic fermentation using the Embden-Meyerhof pathway or a Heterolactic fermentation with the pentose phosphate pathway. They grow optimally under slightly acid conditions, when the pH is between 4.5 and 6.4. The genus is found on plant surfaces and in dairy products, meat, water, sewage, beer, fruits, and many other materials. Lactobacilli are also part of the normal flora of the human body in the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina. They usually are not pathogenic. Lactobacilli also create problems. They sometimes are responsible for spoilage of beer, milk and meat.

A variety of gram-positive bacteria produce lactic acid as their major or sole fermentation product and are sometimes collectively called lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria are non-sporing and usually nonmotile. They lack cytochromes and obtain energy by substrate-level phosphorylation rather than electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. They normally depend on sugar fermentation for energy. Nutritionally they are fastidious and many vitamins, amino acids, purines, and pyrimidines must be supplied because of their limited biosynthetic capabilities. Cultures of lactic acid bacteria, called starter cultures, are added to milk during the preparation of many dairy products. For example, Streptococcus lactis and S.cremoris are used in the production of cheese. Lactic acid production by a heavily phage-infected starter culture can come to halt within 30 minutes. Lactic acid bacteria usually are categorized as facultative anaerobes, but some classify them as aerotolerant anaerobes.

All bacteria reproduce by growth, dividing into two. While this may not seem a spectacular rate of increase it is as well to remember that, in ideal conditions of warmth, food supply and disposal of waste products, certain bacteria may produce at intervals of only twenty minutes-effectively doubling the population size (1 to 16 million in just 8 hours).  There are four phases of growth:

  • Lag phase-the cells are active but there is little growth as they are taking up water and starting to produce enzymes.
  • Exponential or log phase-population increases rapidly. Eventually the carrying capacity is reached-maximum population than an environment can hold
  • Stationary phase-bacterial cells dying more or less at the same rate as they were produced. The population encounters limiting factors in the form of nutrient depletion-fall of pH as CO2 etc accumulates.
  • Death phase-more bacterial cells are dying than are being produced, so the population declines.

These bacteria are microscopic, therefore a single drop of cow’s milk might contain up to 30 billion bacteria. Psychrophiles (micro-organisms which are able to multiply under cold conditions e.g. in refrigerated milk) attack proteins and fats, causing rancidity and shortened shelf life. Although most psychrophiles are killed by pasteurisation, a few remain, but work at a slower rate. The results are, among others, reduced yields of milk products, shortened shelf life and rancidity.

As these bacteria produce lactic acid the pH level lowers. As this happens it causes the proteins to become attracted to each other and the milk becomes coagulate.

Raw milk from a cow is an excellent medium for bacterial growth. The presence of lactic acid or lactate in milk is due to the fermentation of lactose caused mainly by lactic bacteria. Generally speaking, just-milked milk does not contain lactic acid, but this increases after awhile and its concentration is closely correlated to the total bacterial charge. Most of the kinds of bacteria commonly found in milk and others cause it to curdle. However clean the cows and the dairy are kept it is not possible to exclude all bacteria from the milk. Some come from within the mammary glands or udder of the cow. If the milk is either heated at 63°c for thirty minutes and then cooled, or else passed between metal plates at 80°c for about half a minute and then cooled rapidly, then most of the contaminating bacteria are killed. These processes are called:

  • Pasteurization- to kill any harmful bacteria and can help it stay fresh. A machine heats the milk to over 71°c for at least 15seconds, then quickly cools it to below 10°c. If not treated, the natural bacteria in milk will turn sour, especially in warmth and light. Pasteurized milk is safe to drink and should ‘keep’ for several days if kept cool; but with Pasteurized milk, as with any other preserved food, once fresh micro-organisms have been allowed into it, deterioration may take place and further sterilization may become necessary.
  • Sterilized milk is first homogenized, (the milk is passed through high-pressure jets, which break up the fat globules and mix the cream through the milk) then bottled and steam heated to high temperature, up to 130°c-this kills any bacteria, however with this process much needed vitamins are lost from the milk.
  • UHT (Ultra High Temperature)- the milk is heated to 132.2°c for a second, cooled, and then packaged in an airtight box. The milk can be stored in unopened containers for several months. This is useful in hot countries where people do not have fridges.

We now know these treatments destroy Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen causing TB, which is often transmitted in milk.

When an animal suffers from mastitis, milk can already contain bacteria in vivo, for instance certain E. coli bacteria. Also, during the milking process, milk can get easily infected by faeces contact and by bacteria present on the udder. Since milk is such a good growth medium, it is better to sterilize or pasteurize before drinking, because such bacteria rapidly multiply. In this respect there is no difference between organic milk and normal cows' milk. In some cases milk can contain pathogenic bacteria, such as pathogenic E. coli, salmonella, and listeria. For that reason drinking raw milk is not without a risk


The aim of this experiment is to find out whether milks passed through different heat processes will contain higher amounts of bacteria when left exposed in ideal conditions for the bacteria to grow, recorded over a period of time. The milks being tested are Raw (has not undergone any heat processes), whole pasteurized, semi-skimmed pasteurized and Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milks.


From the discussion above, it is likely that UHT milk will have a much lower amount of bacteria present than that of the raw milk-the heating of the milk should have killed off the majority of bacteria that is found in milk. To begin with, I would believe that the raw milk would have considerably higher amounts of bacteria present, due to the fact it hasn’t gone through the pasteurization process. I would also predict that the Whole pasteurized, and the semi-skimmed pasteurized will have similar amounts of bacteria to start with, because both have undergone the pasteurization process, but the amount of bacteria in the whole milk will be increasing at a faster rate due to the fact that there are more fat globules present. This means more nutrients available for the bacteria to consume; therefore, the rate of reproduction will be higher. The shape of the graph of the semi-skimmed pasteurized milk will be the same as that of the whole pasteurized milk but at a lower rate of increase (a lower gradient) (due to the fact that the majority of the fat has been removed by separating and standardizing before the pasteurization process).


Fresh pasteurized milk will contain a higher number of bacteria than the newly opened UHT milk and the pasteurized milk will spoil at a faster rate than the UHT milk. The raw milk will have the higher amount of bacteria present at all times.

Null hypothesis

There will be no difference between the amounts of bacteria in the whole, semi-skimmed, and UHT milks, and equally no difference between their spoiling rates. The raw milks’ level of bacteria will be no higher than that of the other milks.  

Variables and possible sources of inaccuracy

  1. One of the main variables is the temperature at which the milk is stored. This temperature needs to remain a constant, as it will affect the growth of bacteria. The optimum temperature for the bacteria to reproduce according to ‘Gareth Williams Advanced Biology’ the optimum temperature is between 20ºc and 40ºc. I will attempt to do this by keeping all the milk in a room that has a similar temperature daily (at 24ºc). This allows me to have sets of data for each day, from samples that will have been stored at the same temperature and this should eliminate any inaccuracies caused by temperature change.
  2. The amount of milk being used must be controlled-using the same amount of milk each time. Using a graduated pipette can attain this. If the sample amount changes then the results will be inaccurate-more lactic acid will be present.
  3. The length of time between each sampling must remain the same, as this could affect the results dramatically. Due to the school timetable this will prove difficult.
  4. The human factor in this experiment is also a main variable as it is the human eye that observes when the end-point is detected. Having the same person observing the end-point each time eliminates some of the inaccuracy.
  5. The concentration of sodium hydroxide solution needs to remain the same (0.1M). As I am not mixing up new batches each time there should be no inconsistencies here. There is also a variable here. By using the same solution for the whole experiment, careful consideration must be taken to ensure that it does not evaporate. This can be overcome by keeping it covered or in an airtight container. Sodium hydroxide is not affected by light so a clear glass bottle can be used.
  6. The source of milk used must remain the same for the whole experiment. I intend using full-cream, semi-skimmed pasteurized milk, UHT milk, and raw milk-taking all my samples from the same original sample to maintain consistency.
  7. The samples of milk will stay in the same container, so that it does not become contaminated- this eliminate any inaccuracies.
  8. The ‘use by’ date on the milk when the experiment is started gives an indication of how old the milk is before you start the deliberate decay process. I will try to obtain fresh milk-maximum of one day old.
  9. Exposure to exterior bacteria-results in contamination and inaccuracies. To prevent this the samples must be kept well away from possible sources of contamination-e.g food products or yeasts (that could increase the bacterial growth) etc. Also, it would be a good idea to wash your hands before each experiment, to eliminate contamination when handling the equipment.
  10. Risk of pathogenic bacteria being produced-when the bacteria are replicating on the agar plates the temperature must be kept bellow 30ºc and the plate must be sealed and never opened.
  11. Follow aseptic techniques (these can be found in the method and the safety precautions bellow)

To measure the lactic acid levels accurately, the content must be determined by titration’s’. The most suitable indicator to use is Phenolphthalein (1%). This is a clear liquid that shows its end-point when a light pink colouration lasts for 20 seconds. The Phenolphthalein is unaffected by light, therefore it can be kept in a clear glass bottle-sealed with a droplet top attached.

I have chosen to use a wide range of milks to test-each having a different heat process (and one without). Therefore, the milks I have chosen to use are: Full fat pasteurized, Semi-skimmed pasteurized, Ultra High Temperature (UHT), and Raw.

To ensure the most accurate results, it is important to use sensitive equipment. However, as the results of the pilot study later show, the more sensitive the equipment, the more likely human error can influence the results. A burette should be used to deliver the titrate (sodium hydroxide) into the milk. Using the burette is important because it can be clamped into position enabling the sodium hydroxide to be dropped into the conical flask and swirled around in the conical flask to ensure an even distribution of indicator in the solution. The most practical size of burette for this study is one of 25cm³, which has the accuracy of + or - 0.05 cm³. A graduated pipette gives the most accurate methods of measurements-I am going to use one of 10cm³. Using a white tile under the conical flask ensures that the end-point colour change can be easily observed and distinguished. Due to the nature of the titrate equipment, all substances must be in a liquid state-therefore I could only run this experiment for a period of 5 days as the milk will start to coagulate or solidify as the bacteria produce the lactic acid (which decreases the pH) and causes the proteins to become attracted to each other.

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In order to produce replicable results, each experiment will be repeated 3 times, so as to highlight any anomalous results that could occur and produce data from which I can draw decisive conclusions. The more the experiments are performed, the more reliable the data obtained. Due to the time scale of the school week, I can only run this experiment keeping to the time table-and for a five-day period. However, I feel that this is enough to draw reliable conclusions bearing in mind that the consumption date is three days after opening, thus enables me to try to prove ...

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