The Decomposition of Hydro Peroxide.

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___________________________________________________________Christina Hardinge

Science GCSE Coursework: The Decomposition of Hydro Peroxide


Aim:                Investigate the effect of different pH’s on the enzyme catalase.

Prediction:        After carrying out research on the internet () I believe that the enzyme catalase will work best at pH7.        

Hypothesis:        The chemical equation of catalase’ reaction on hydro peroxide is:


        The pH affects the activity of enzymes, the enzyme activity reaches a peak at a certain pH and if the pH is above or below this optimum level the enzyme activity falls.  In the case of catalase the optimum pH level is 7.  We know enzymes generally work best at neutral as very few living organisms can survive at extreme acids or alkalis.

This diagram shows what happens to the catalase at pH7.

This diagram shows the effect of extreme acids and alkalis.  As you can see the active site changes so the substance cannot fit anymore so it is not broken down.  This process is denaturing. This is shown in the reaction because when extreme pH buffers are used, little froth (oxygen and water) is produced.

Safety:         ~          Wear goggles and hair tied back.

         ~  Use plastic gloves.

         ~  Use a pipette for the buffer.

         ~  When using acid do it over a protected surface.

         ~  Hold the measuring cylinder over the sink or work top incase froth overflows.

________________________________________________________Christina Hardinge

Fair Test:     ~ The only variable I will use is the pH.

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~ The same temperature (18o room temperature) will be used for each experiment because enzymes cannot work effectively in extreme temperatures.

 ~  I will carry out each experiment three times to find the average so that my results are reliable.

  ~  In a previous experiment I tested hydro peroxide with boiled and raw liver, and found 20ml a good amount of hydro peroxide.  I will use this amount again because much more caused an overflow, and much less didn’t have enough of a reaction to record.

~          I also found 1gram of raw liver a good amount to give an ...

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