The effect of concentration on a reaction

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                         Ruth Staple 10B

Chemistry Coursework                   

The effect of concentration on a reaction



Sulphuric acid (volumes: 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 + 2.5)

A roll of magnesium ribbon cut in to strips 1cm long




Safety goggles


I will wear safety goggles at all times during the experiment.

I will follow the necessary lab rules while working.

What I am going to measure

I am going to measure the amount of time the reaction takes and the temperature change (if any) during the reaction.

I will measure the amount of time it takes by using a stopwatch and timing the reaction till all signs of a reaction are over (such as bubbles).

I will measure the temperature of the different volumes of sulphuric acid with a thermometer before and after the reaction and work out the difference.

Fair test

To make it a fair test I am going to keep the length of magnesium ribbon and the amount of sulphuric acid I use the same.

I am going to investigate how the CONCENTRATION of sulphuric acid could affect the rate of reaction.

Other factors that could affect my results are: -

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Surface area - If one of the reactants is a solid then breaking it up in to smaller pieces will increase its surface area. This means the particles around it in the solution will have more area to work on so there’ll be more useful collisions.

Temperature – When the temperature is increased the particles all move quicker. This means that they will have more collisions.

Catalyst – A catalyst works by giving the reacting particles a surface to stick to where they can bump in to each other. This increases the number of collisions too.

To make the ...

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