The Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction.

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The Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction

Preliminary Experiment


Conical Flask

Bug with delivery tube

Three Measuring Cylinders



2M hydrochloric acid

Calcium Carbonate Chips (marble chips)



ؠThe apparatus should be set up as shown in the diagram

ؠTo obtain the inverted measuring cylinder, one must be taken, filled to the brim with water and then inverted into the trough of water.

ؠThe other end of the bung with the delivery tubing should be carefully placed under the inverted cylinder of water.

ؠ100ml of hydrochloric acid should be measured out in one of the measuring cylinders and poured into the conical flask.

ؠ10g of calcium carbonate chips should be weighed on the electronic top pan balance and than added to the conical flask containing the hydrochloric acid.

ؠAs soon as they are added, the bung should immediately be placed onto the top of the flask and the stopwatch should be started.

ؠThe amount of carbon dioxide gas evolved should be read off the scale down the measuring cylinder every 30 seconds, for two minutes. The readings should be noted.

ؠOnce this has been done, the hydrochloric acid should be disposed of. Another 10g of marble chips should be weighed.

ؠThe 1M acid solution should then be made. This solution consists of 50ml of hydrochloric acid and 50ml of distilled water. The water should be measured in a different cylinder to the acid to prevent contamination.

ؠThe process should then be repeated.

ؠThe experiment should then be repeated as stated before except the solution of hydrochloric acid should be changed to 0.5M. This composed of 25ml of hydrochloric acid and 75ml of distilled water.


The experiment was carried out as per the plan, except it was found that using 10g of the marble chips created too much carbon dioxide gas and so the readings went off of the scale. In order to correct this, 5g of marble chips were used instead of 10g.



The results showed that as the time increased, the volume of carbon dioxide evolved also increased. Thus the rate of reaction increased. However, the experiments using 10g of marble chips reacted too quickly and so it was decided that 5g of marble chips should be used in the actual investigation. The 10g of marble chips reacted so quickly because there were more chips and so this meant that there was a greater surface area. The results also showed that as the concentration decreased i.e. the amount of water in the solution increased, the amount of carbon dioxide evolved was less. In spite of this, the 0.5M solution gave us good enough results to plot on a graph. From this preliminary experiment, these concentrations were decide upon:

2M, 1.5M, 1M, 0.75M, 0.5M and 0M

We found that if the experiment was timed for longer than 120 seconds, then the readings went off the scale. So 120 seconds was a sufficient period to time the experiment for.


I predict that when the concentration of the hydrochloric acid is lowered, less carbon dioxide gas will be evolved. Therefore the rate of reaction should be slower because the carbon dioxide gas will take longer to be evolved, as there is a greater volume of water in the solution when the concentration decreases.

The graph of the volume of carbon dioxide gas evolved should look like this:

Initially the gradients for each of the concentrations are very steep, but as the time increases, the volume of carbon dioxide evolved levels off and the gradient becomes less steep. Eventually, the amount of carbon dioxide gas evolved starts to remain constant. At this point the graph will begin to become more horizontal. This means that the time is not directly proportional to the amount of carbon dioxide produced during the reaction. The graph illustrates that the 2M acid solution will produce the most amount of carbon dioxide, but as the ratio of water the hydrochloric acid increases (i.e. there is a greater volume of water to acid), less carbon dioxide would be produced. When the concentration is just water, no reaction would take place and so the graph would just be a line running along the x-axis. This is because as the time increases no carbon dioxide would be evolved. The second graph of the rate of reaction against the concentration should look like this.

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The graph shows that as the concentration of the hydrochloric acid increases, the rate of reaction also increases. The line should travel through the origin (0,0) because it is already known that when there is no hydrochloric acid in the solution, no reaction will take place between the water and the calcium carbonate chips. This would be mean that concentration of hydrochloric acid is directly proportional to the rate of reaction (concentration µ rate of reaction). Therefore, due to this direct proportion, if the concentration of hydrochloric acid is doubled, the rate of reaction should also double.

When an acid ...

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