The effect of different sucrose (sugar) concentrations on osmosis in potato cylinders

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The effect of different sucrose (sugar)

concentrations on

osmosis in potato cylinders


Osmosis is essential in all biological systems. It is applied to water purification and desalination, waste material treatment, and many other chemical and biochemical laboratory and industrial processes. Osmosis is the diffusion of water down the ‘concentration’ gradient (from an area with more water molecules to an area with less water molecules) through a semi-permeable membrane. Water moves from an area of high water concentration (high water potential) to one with a low water concentration (low water potential). Osmosis is important in plant cells as it makes them turgid, therefore containing more water in the vacuole to keep the shape of the plant. If there is not enough water then the vacuoles shrink, causing the plant to become flaccid and wilt.


The aim of this experiment is to study the effect that different sucrose concentrations have on the mass and length of potato cylinders.

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Six 100ml beakers are to be filled with a measured amount (80ml) of different concentrations of sucrose solutions measured at 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% using an100ml measuring cylinder. We are using Asda White potatoes. Cut 18 potato cylinders (3 for each beaker) using an apple corer. We use an apple corer of 1.1cm to ensure that the diameter and therefore the surface areas remain the same. The potatoes are left raw (if boiled, the cell membranes would be destroyed) and are cut to the same length and mass (using a ruler and using some ...

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