The Effect of Salt Concentration on Osmosis in Potato Cells

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Title: The Effect of Salt Concentration on Osmosis in Potato Cells


The purpose of this experiment was to observe the effect of various concentrations of water and salt solutions on osmosis of potato cells.    


Osmosis is the movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane

separating solution of a different concentrations.  Water molecules follow a concentration gradient; that is, a net movement from where they are more concentrated to where they are less concentrated. 



What will happen to the cell membrane of potatoes if they are exposed to various salt concentrations?   




The following is the predicted outcome of the experiment:


The potatoes in the higher salt concentration will shrink.  The concentration of water outside the potatoes has a high salt concentration. The water inside the potatoes will permeate the cell membrane and potato cell will shrivel which is known as hypotonic.

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The potatoes in the lower salt concentration will expand. The concentration of water outside the potatoes has a low salt concentration.  The water outside the potatoes will permeate the cell membrane and the potato cell will swell which is known as hypertonic.


The potatoes in a solution where the water concentration would be equal outside and inside the semi-permeable membrane of the potato cell is an example of isotonic; that is, there would be no net movement of water. 





Each of the glasses were labeled with the following: 0%, 1.75%, 3.5% ...

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The whole report has an excellent presentation. There are very few grammar or spelling errors but even these are not glaring errors. The use of technical terms is adequate and the report explains the biology behind the whole report, detailing the theory on osmosis very well. The report could perhaps be improved by defining the technical terms to a greater extent.

The report definitely exceeds expectations in several aspects of analysis but also needs more improvement in other aspects. For example, the investigating question needs more improvement as it is rather inaccurate and blur in focus, simply asking “what will happen…” which could be put forward in a more scientific manner as “what is the effect of…” as mentioned by the writer in the title itself. However, the hypothesis section is very well done and can score well among markers as the writer elaborates on each situation that might arise instead of just listing them. All tables show data with consistent number of decimal values, the correct units, proper headings so the report scores on data presentation as well, but to improve the uncertainties of instruments can be indicate. One shortcoming of the report is its lack of depth in the evaluation section. The report discusses the data but could also analyse the trends and other technical details of the data. The report suggests a minor improvement to the experimental procedure but more of such improvements could have been suggested. The writer also does well in extending the report to real-life application, which is commendable.

This essay is excellent in investigating the effect of salt concentration on osmosis in potato cells in that it introduces the investigation, provides relevant background information, lists out clear and simple procedures, presents the data collected in a coherent manner and even justifies conclusions using data collected in a insightful manner. The essay introduces the aim of experiment clearly at the beginning and crafts the procedure to test this aim. The writer provides an elaborate hypothesis, detailing 3 different outcomes and justifies these outcomes using relevant scientific theory. The materials and apparatus section actually not just lists equipment used but also mentions other details such as quality, quantity, concentration and other details where relevant. Coupled with very simple procedures, the report also presents data very neatly and coherently. In the conclusion, the writer follows up on the data collected to conclude, justifying each conclusion with data. In the end, the writer actually provides real-life applications of the theory employed in the report. However, one note of improvement could be to include the concept of independent, dependent and control variables.