The effect of temperature change on the activity rate of Trypsin.

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The effect of temperature change on the activity rate of Trypsin


This piece of coursework will look at what effect temperature has on the activity of Trypsin and which temperature Trypsin works best at.

It was predicted that the milk would turn transparent quickest at the 40 oC temperature level, as the enzyme in a Trypsin is found in human bodies. The normal human body temperature is around 37 oC so the activity of the enzyme would work best at this temperature. 


A total mixture capacity of 10ml mixture Trypsin and milk, of 5ml of each, 5ml syringes were used to get the exact amount each time.

The temperature range of 60 oC to use for the experiment, between 10 oC and 70 oC using 10 oC increments.

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A water bath was used to control the temperature of the mixture. Hot water from a kettle was used to heat up the Trypsin and milk mix, and ice was added to the water bath to cool it down when necessary.

Trypsin was added to the milk and see how long it took for the milk to become transparent. A piece of paper was placed behind the test tube with writing on it. When the writing was clearly readable, the elapsed time on the stopwatch was recorded.

The temperature of the water bath was controlled by adding ...

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This is a good write up of a practical. It is clear and concise and uses diagrams to aid clarity. It could be enhanced by including some background research and extending the conclusion to explain why. ***