The effect of temperature on membrane permeability

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Jessica Leung

The effect of temperature on membrane permeability


This experiment aims to determine what affect an increase in the surrounding

Temperature has on the plasma membrane of a typical plant cell structure.


An increase in temperature will damage and denature the proteins, which are

Within plasma membrane and cause the cytoplasm and other substances

Contained within the membrane to leak out.


The function of a cell membrane is to control the transport of substances moving

Into and out of a cell. The membrane is an extremely thin layer 8 to 10

manometers (nm) thick, which is partially permeable. It consists mostly of lipids

and proteins. The lipids found in cell membranes belong to a class known as

triglycerides, so called because they have one molecule of glycerol chemically

linked to three molecules of fatty acids. The majority belong to one subgroup of

triglycerides known as phospholipids.

In the cells of a beetroot plant, a substance called beta cyanin is contained within

the plasma membrane. It is beta cyanin, which gives the beetroot its

characteristic blue/purple colour. If a cell is damaged in a beetroot plant and the

membrane is broken, the beta cyanin leaks from the cells like a dye. It is this

characteristic that can be exploited to test which conditions affect the integrity of

the cell membrane.

Because we are experimenting with the effects of temperature on the membrane,

we will place the samples of beetroot into a water baths of varying temperatures

and measure the colour change in the water. Temperature is just one of the

possible variables. Others include effects of alcohol and/or various solvents. The

dependant variable (DV) in this experiment is colour change in water caused by beta cyanin leakage.

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  • Materials:
    Beetroot Plant Corers (various diameters)
  • White tile
  • Bunsen burner
  • Tripod
  • Gauze
  • Beaker (for water bath)
  • Thermometer
  • Colorimeter
  • Distilled Water
  • 7 test tubes
  • Tongs
  • Scalpel
  • Stop-clock
  • Test tube rack


  1. Cut 7 slices of beetroot approximately to 4cm. They must all be the same size to

ensure this is a fair test, besides the size of the beet. As different length would have

different effect of temperature on membrane permeability.  Caution when using knife.

  1. Wash the strips of beetroot and place in distilled water. This is to ensure ...

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