The Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Between Amylase and Starch

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The Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Between Amylase and Starch

I decided to investigate how a change in temperature would affect the rate of reaction between starch and amylase.

From previous work done on the starch/amylase reaction, I know that amylase is an enzyme which breaks down starch into smaller molecules. It is used inside the body where the temperature is certainly higher the room temperature.


I predict that the rate of reaction between amylase and starch will increase as the temperature increases. In general the rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction doubles for every 10oC rise in temperature and I would expect amylase to follow a similar trend.

Of course the reaction will stop when the temperature rises too high because, as an increase in temperature increases vibrations ion the molecule, the vibrations become so violent that the bonds holding the structure together are broken and he enzyme denatures.

The enzyme should be most effective at 40oC because this is body temperature, at which is it most used to working. In order for it to function most efficiently in the body, amylase must have an optimum temperature of 40oC.

I would expect my results to look like this on graph. The reasoning behind this is that an increase in temperature will increase the vibration of the molecules, meaning that they will collide more often and more violently, therefore increasing the rate of the reaction.
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Using preliminary work, I devised an experiment to test my hypothesis. As I was altering temperature, I would have to keep all my other variables constant as to ensure a fair test and to obtain accurate results.


Variables How I will Keep them Constant

Concentration of Starch/Amylase/Iodine By using the same concentration throughout my investigation

Volume of Starch/Amylase/Iodine by using a calibrated pipette and by making sure to eliminate parallax errors

As a control test, I will put amylase in one test tube, starch in another, then add iodine to view the ...

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