The effect of temperature upon the enzyme catalase

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Sahil Patel

The Effect of Temperature upon the Enzyme Catalase

Enzymes are biological catalysts; they speed up chemical reactions within living organisms. These reactions can only take place under a certain environment where many factors will affect the reaction; one of these factors is temperature. The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of temperature upon the enzyme catalase. I looked at the amount of oxygen was given off at different temperatures when the enzyme catalase was reacted with hydrogen peroxide.  The reaction’s equation is as follows:-  


To understand the effect temperature has upon the enzyme catalase, the experiment will only be affected by the temperature. Any other factors will be kept constant. The temperatures I measured were; 0oC, 20oC, 40oC, 60oC, and finally 80oC.

Independent variable- The temperature of the catalase

Dependant variable- The volume of oxygen collected every 2 minutes

Variables kept constant:-

  • The amount of hydrogen peroxide (5cm3)
  • Amount of catalase (5 grams)
  • Surface area of the catalse
  • pH
  • Time at which the volume of Oxygen is collected



Stopper with two holes

Test Tube

Temperature controlled Water Tank

Water bath

Container Filled with water

Delivery Tube

100 cm3 Measuring Cylinder

5 grams of potato (Catalase source)

5cm3 Hydrogen peroxide

Stop watch



Chopping Board

Pencil and Paper


Weighing scale (2 d.p)

Potato Peeler


A potato peeler will be used to peel off the skin of a potato.

The potato will be cut into small chunks using a knife and chopping board and weighed on a weighing scale to make sure it is 5 grams.

One of the chunks will then be inserted into the test tube.

The test tube will be placed inside a temperature controlled water tank until the catalse is equilibrated to the correct temperature. (For 0oC the test tube will be put into ice and for room temperature it will not have its temperature adjusted).

 The test tube will then be taken out of the water tank and a dual holed stopper will be placed in it.

5cm3 of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) will be drawn into a syringe.

The syringe will then be placed into the first hole of the stopper.

A delivery tube will be placed into the second hole of the stopper.

The other end of the delivery tube will lead into an upturned 100cm3 measuring cylinder filled with water.

This measuring cylinder will be placed upside down in a water bath to keep the water inside it.

The 10cm3 of hydrogen peroxide will then be squirted into the test tube; simultaneously the stop watch must be started.

The catalse will react will the hydrogen peroxide releasing oxygen which will travel along the delivery tube and displace the water within the test tube, causing the water in the measuring cylinder to slowly flow out.

After 120 seconds a reading must be taken from the level of water in the measuring cylinder, the result will be in cm3.

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The experiment will be repeated using the different temperatures.

The apparatus will be assembled as the diagram on the following page:-

Evaluation of procedures

After completing the experiment I was able to see that there were certain flaws in my method and possible sources of error which may have lead to inaccuracies in my data. One flaw in my method was chopping the potato into small chunks. Using this method would mean that getting the same surface area on the potato each time would be extremely difficult, and thus this may have led to inaccurate results. ...

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