The effect on resistance when a length of wire is changed

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Physics Coursework

Investigating the effect on resistance when a length of wire is changed

By Yasmin Alobaidi

Preliminary Investigation


Firstly, I will investigate the effect on resistance when the length of wire is changed using a power-pack setting of 2V, 4V and 6V. I will compare the results to see which setting is the most suitable. I will choose three wire lengths (short, medium, long) and test each voltage setting for each length of wire. I will carry out one test for each voltage setting. I will use these results to compare with my main investigation to ensure that the results are reliable.        


I predict that the 4V setting will be the most suitable because I think that the 2v setting will be too low and will not produce high enough numbers which will be harder to use to calculate the resistance and take notice of the relationship between resistance and length, and the 6V setting will be too high and produce heat energy which will affect the results.

Equipment List

Power pack

Length of wire




Crocodile clips


Voltage (V)

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Current (A)


The results show that my prediction was correct. The 2V setting produced far too little numbers and some of them were decimal points. The 6V setting numbers were quite high and the current somewhat halved every time the length was reduced by 400mm. This is too much of a change for 400mm so I think the heat energy that was produced affected the results.


My results were quite good because there were no serious anomalies. The accuracy of the preliminary investigation was good. I think that I would ...

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