The Effects of Hydrochloric Acid on Rates of Reaction.

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H/W                                                                                15/5/03

The Effects of Hydrochloric Acid on Rates of Reaction


        My aim is to find the effect of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) on the rate of reaction, when reacting with magnesium ribbons (Mg).


        I predict that as the concentration of the hydrochloric acid increases, the time taken for the magnesium to disappear decreases. My prediction is that the higher the concentration of the acid then the higher the rate of the reaction will be.  I can predict this by linking prediction to theory of ‘Reaction rate and concentration.’  I predict this because of the collision theory.    I know that the higher the concentration of the acid, the greater the number of acid molecules present in that volume. This means that there are more acid molecules colliding with the particles on the surface of the reactant (magnesium) thus increasing the rate of reaction.

Therefore, if I double the concentration of the acid from 1M hydrochloric acid to 2M hydrochloric acid then I will expect to see the rate of the reaction double.  This is because there are twice as many acid particles in 2M hydrochloric acid than in 1M hydrochloric acid, so there will be twice the amount of collisions per second and because there are twice the amount of collisions per second then there will be twice as many successful collisions per second, increasing the rate of reaction.


        Rate is a measure of how fast or slow something is.  Rate is a measure of the change that happens in a single unit of time. Any suitable unit of time can be used – a second, a minute, an hour and even a day.

The rates at which chemical reactions occur vary enormously.  AN example of fast reactions is explosions (fireworks) and an example of slow reactions is rotting.  To find the rate of reaction, you should measure one of the two things; the amount of reactant used up per unit of time or the amount of a product produced per unit of time.  We are going to do an experiment on the rate of reaction.  To do this, we can measure changes in; mass, volume of gas, colour, electrical conductivity and amount of precipitate.  In our experiment, we are using acid and magnesium strips to test the rate of reaction.

All chemical reactions involve reactants which when mixed may cause a chemical reaction which will make products.

In my case the reactants are hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon. The chemical reaction takes place when the magnesium ribbon is dropped into the hydrochloric acid. The products that are formed during this reaction are hydrogen gas and magnesium chloride. The formula equation for this experiment is:

Mg + 2HCl (r) MgCl2 + H2

Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid  Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen

       ( s )                        ( aq )                                 ( aq )                         ( g )

The Magnesium will react with hydrochloric acid, because it is higher in the reactivity series that hydrogen. When the two chemicals react a displacement reaction will take place and the magnesium will displace the hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid forming magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas.

When a chemical reaction occurs, the particles, which combine need to meet up with each other (collide) so that they can swap or share electrons. If you want to speed up a reaction, you need to get these particles to hit each other more frequently.  If the solution is made more concentrated it means there are more particles of reactant knocking about between the water molecules, which make collisions between the important particles more likely.

The collision theory describes how the rate of reaction increases (the time taken for the magnesium ribbon to disappear when it is reacted with hydrochloric acid) when the concentration of HCL increases. The theory states that if, the more concentrated the reactants, the greater the number of collisions between particles increase. This also explains why the greatest rate of reaction is usually as soon as the reactants have been mixed, i.e. they are both at their highest concentrations. As the reaction continues, the concentration of the reacting substances decreases and so does the rate of reaction. We must consider what happens when a reaction takes place. First of all the particles of the reacting substances must collide with each other.   The reaction is speeded up if the number of collisions is increased.  During a chemical reaction the particles have to collide with enough energy to first break the bonds and then to form the new bonds and the rearranged electrons, so it’s safe to say that some of the particles don’t have enough energy to react when they collide.  This leads into the second event that occurs during a chemical reaction.  A fixed minimum amount of energy called activation energy (Ea) must be reached if the reaction is to take place.  This activation energy acts as a kind of energy ‘barrier.’   If the activation energy is high only a small amount of particles will have enough energy to react so the reaction rate would be very small, however the activation energy is very low the number of particles with that amount of energy would be so high, so start, so the reaction rate would be higher. An example of low (Ea) would be in explosives when they only need a small input of energy to start their exceedingly exothermic reactions. A change in concentration is a change in the number of particles in a given volume.  Below is a diagram to showing the activation energy for the reaction and the progress of reaction:

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In this investigation we must consider the topic of variables that affect the rate of reaction (reaction velocity). Clearly, the time taken for the magnesium to disappear when it is placed in different concentrations of HCl, is related in some way. The higher the concentration of HCL you use, the less time it takes for the magnesium to disappear and so the rate reaction increases. The concentration of HCL you use is the independent variable because it will vary, and the time taken for the rate of reaction to take place (i.e. ...

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