The effects of organic effluent from the seweage on the biodiversty in a freshwater stream.

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      The aim of this investigation is to find out the effects of organic effluent from the seweage on the biodiversty in a freshwater stream. This will be done by looking at biotic(such as food supply, competition and predation) and abiotic factors (such as oxygen concentration in water, light and nitrate levels in the water) neccessary for the servival of most sea organisms.

Biotic index will be used to determine levels of organic effluent from the seweage in the fresh water stream and Diversty index will be obtained to see how diverse species are in a  given area of the stream according to the levels of organic effluent present.The areas selected will be at random and they will be selected by considering all the health and safety measures when I reach the fresh water stream.This method will ensure that the results obtained are reliable.

I will back up my results for the biotic index and the diversty index by carrying out BOD, light and nitrate levels test for the abiotic factors so that the biodiversty of selected areas can be explained by taking into consideration the various levels of organic effluent.


      Water is vital for the existance of life. The man uses water for various reasons.


      1. Used for drinking and for domestical livestock.

      2. Seweage is removed by water.

      3. It is used to irrigate crops.

      4. It has industrial uses e.g a coolant

      5. It is a source of food in that fish live and breed in water.

My investigation will revolve around water pollution caused by organic effluent from the seweage and how this effects the biodiversty in a fresh water stream.

Seweage: Seweage is quite simply anything that passes down the sewers. It has two main origins: from industry and from teh homes.

Domestic effluent is 95- 99% water, the remainder being organic matter. This organic material acts as a food source for many saprophytic organisms, especially bacteria. In the availability of oxygen, aerobic saprophytes decompose this organic material in putrefaction and in doing so use up oxygen. This creates a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). 

Where seweage is deposited untreated in relatively small amounts of water i.e. streams, lakes, the BOD may be great enough to remove entirely the dissolved oxygen. This causes death of aerobic species, including fish, leaving only anerobic ones. The BOD is offset by new oxygen being dissolved and in fast-moving, shallow, turbulent streams this is sufficient enough to prevent anaerobic conditions. Unfortunately many centres of population are situated near river estuaries where the waters are slower, deeper and less turbulent. The amount of oxygen dissolving is much less and so an untreated seweage added to these waters quickly results in them becoming anaerobic. Where untreated seweage enters a river it creates BOD which decreases further down the stream as organic material is decomposed. Part of this seweage is combined nitrogen (mostly in form of urea) which is converted to ammonia by the bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria rapidly oxidizes ammonia(a toxic gas) to nitrates.

Chemical and Physical changes: brought about by seweage are accompanied by changes in the diversty of species living in the water. Where the level of seweage effluent is high, saprophytic bacteria concentrations, including sewage fungus increases as they feed on the sewage. The algal level initially falls due to sewage reducing the amount of light which penetrate the water. Further down teh stream the algal levels rises above the normal because the bacterial breakdown of the sewage releases many minerals, including nitrates. These minerals which previously limited algal growth now allow it to flourish. As the minerals are used up algal population level returns to normal.

The population levels of animal species vary according to the levels of oxygen in the water.Most tolerant of low oxygen level are animals whose heamoglobin will have a high affinity for oxygen which they will obtain at very low concentrations.These animals will therefore be likely to survive closer to the sewage outfall. Further downstream, as oxygen levels rise more organisms

will be able to survive depending upon their adaptations to the environment.

These organisms act asindicator species for polluted water. Where repeated additions of sewage occur at different points along the river , the water may be anaerobic for much of its length. In addition to the death of aerobic species, these conditions can result in the build up of ammonia from decomposition of sewage.The chemicals that develop may be toxic and may result in an almost lifeless river.


        The diversty of organisms in the fresh water stream will not change as the organic effluent decreases when we move away from the seweage.


        The diversty of organisms will increase in the fresh water stream as the organic effluent decreases when we move away from the seweage.


To measure the abiotic factors the following appratus would be used:

  • a general map for the area of study
  • oxygen meter- to measure the levels of oxygen as we move down the stream
  • nitrate indicator- to determine the presence of nitrates
  • light sensor - to make comparisons between sites for the presence of species due to the availability of light for photosynthesis
  • ph meter- used to determine whether a site is acidic/neutral/alkaline.  
  • sweep net/plankton net- to catch organisms from the stream
  • tray- to place the collected species so that diversty of organisms at various sites can be determined.
  • Pencil and rubber- to record the results.
  • Metre stick- to check the depth of the water
  • Thermometer- to check out the temperature of sites contaminated with different levels of organic effluent and its effects on biodiversty
  • Metre tape - to measure the distance between the sites and to make sure its equal to provide valid reults.
  • Air tight container- to place the sampl collected for BOD measurement.


1. A general map of the site will be required so that decisions about which area to carryout the experiments can be made.

2. Three areas for experiment will be selected at random to ensure the reliability of results and prevent any human bias. A metre tape will be used to selects sites one near the sewage, one site in the middle of the stream and  one site further away near the fresh water so that differences in biodiversty can be measured by looking at the changing effluent levels in the stream whilst keeping the distance between sites equal.

3. Another site right at the end of the stream consisting of mostly fresh water with least amount of organic effluent and will be used as a control site.

4. A net will be used to collect samples from the sites at various heights.Heights will be measured using a metre stick. From the top of the water and from deep within.This is because different species have different adaptations and this determines there location in the water as well as due to the organic effluent.(The algae in the deeper regions of the lake are unable to photosynthesis and die due to the organic effluent. Decomposition of these dead organisms by saprophytic bacteria creates considerable BOD resulting in deoxygenation of all but the upper layers of water. As a result the aerobic life in the lower regions dies.) See detail in: Eutrophication by sewage under prediction

5. The collected sample will be placed in a tray and observed.The results will be recorded and the table will be constructed once the sample has been observed according to the species present in the fresh water stream.

6. The biodiversty index will be drawn from the species collected to indicate the levels of pollution caused by the organic effluent from the sewage in the stream.

7. The diversty index will also be calculated to determine whether the different levels of organic effluent from the stream have had any effect on the diversty of the species at a given site.

8. The results for biotic index and diversty index will be proved by checking out the abiotic factors of oxygen concentrations, light availability, nitrate levels affecting the fresh water stream.

9. BOD will be measured by using an oxygen meter at all selected sites in the following way:

  • Two water samples will be collected from the same site.
  • Oxygen meter will be used to measure oxygen concentrations of one sample.
  • Seal the second sample in an air tight container, place it in dark at 20 degree celcius for 5 days. This prevents photosynthesis which makes oxygen.
  • Use an oxygen meter to measure the oxygen concentration f the second sample and the difference is a a standard measure of BOD.

10. The results obtained will be used to determine if high BOD in organic effluent rich stream area is the reason for the difference in biodiversty(low) of the organisms.

11. The bacterial breakdown of sewage releases nitrates. Nitrates are more soluble in water and since they are important for plant growth are much more of a hazard as pollutants. These may be converted into ammonia by most bacteria in the organic effluent. Ammonia is toxic and may lead to a lower biodiversty in the water stream near the sewage. Hence a nitrate indicator will be used to check for the presence of nitrates in the fresh water stream and support my hypothesis.    

12. Light sensor will also be used to measure the amount of light that is received by the algae for photosynthesis. Single celled algae,phytoplankton, grow rapidly on the water surface leading to algal bloom. Some algae are toxic to stream life and the water contains toxins. Competition for light may lead to death of many algae which are decayed by aerobic bacteria. Bacteria reproduce due to high concentration of organic material. BOD increases and the species within stream decreases.The particles in raw sewage make the stream cloudy and block light reducing photosynthesis leading to lowers amount of oxygen and hence anaerobic conditions. This factor will be taken into account when looking at the variations between the biodiversty of the 3 selected sites .

13. pH metre will be used to test for the acidity or alkalinity of the fresh water tream as the amount of organic effluent decreases when the stream moves away from the sewage. These conditions may cause the water and its constituents(enzymes) to become disrupted and hence change there tertiary structure and hence lead to harmful effects on the stream life. This will also affect the biodiversty in the fresh water stream.


14. Temperature probes will be used to determine the temperature difference between the sites and hence determining the biodiversty.Sun is the main source of light for an ecosystem and hence the main source of heat. High heat capacity of water effectively buffers the temperature changes in aquatic habitats. Organic effluent from the sewage reduces this ability of water and causes high temperatures enzymes from saprophytic bacteria are denatured as the kinetic energy of molecules increases and they vibrate more leading to a breakdown of the tertiary structure of the enzymes so they are no longer able to work.These lead to high levels of carbondioxide; as oxygen is less soluble in water at high temperatures the biodiversty near the sewage may be less.

15. Repeat the experiment 3 times for each site to ensure that the results obtained are correct and not due to chance.


---Distance will need to controlled. The amount of distance between the three selected areas of the water stream from the sewage will need to be equal. This is to make sure that the results obtained are more accurate and not too close so that variation between can be indicated.

---The height also needs to be controlled using a metre stick it will be marked and it would be made sure that the streams depth is teh same at the area being observed for biodiversty to ensure fair results.

---Temperature probes often contain a thermistor which measures changes in electrical resistance as temperature changes.The temperature probe will need to be caliberated using water baths of known temperature as resistance does not vary linearly with temperature.


There will be several factors interfering when carrying out this series of experiments.

---Light sensor:  

Need to be caliberated as they dont respond to changes in light intensity.

The scale is usually in arbitrary units so comparisons can be made but the actualy light energy measurements are difficult.  

Light varies minute to minute making accuracy very difficult.

The direction of light will also affect the reading.

---pH meter:

pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration and pH meter may not be accurate enough to give a precise value as the water is flowing in a stream and may change the pH every instant.

---Temperature probes:

May contain silicon diodes inside which respond to temperature changes rather slowly.

---Oxygen solubility in water is low and varies with temperature, the lower the temperature the more oxygen dissolves.But the temperature in the environment is always fluctuating so the readings taken by the oxygen meter for oxygen may not be reliable.

---The collections of species using the net may also be different as the depths/heights of stream water from which they are obtained may vary and may not always be the same.

--- The net being used may not be able to capture some of the species due to the size of holes in it.The larger holes may let some smaller species to get through.

--- Water current may also have an effect on the number of organisms in a given area. The water current may be reduced in an area of high organic effluent and may be high in the area with low organic effluent. This may also have an impact on the number of species caught in the net. The high currents may take away most of the organisms etc.  


            I will carryout a t-test to find out whether the difference in bio-diversty between the sites are significant enough to consider that they were due to the release of organic effluent from  the sewage in the in the fresh water stream and not due to any random errors.


The t-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other. This analysis is appropriate whenever you want to compare the means of two groups, and especially appropriate as the analysis for the posttest-only two-group randomized experimental design.

 Figure 1. Idealized distributions for treated and comparison group posttest values. Figure 1 shows the distributions for the treated (blue) and control (green) groups in a study. Actually, the figure shows the idealized distribution .The figure indicates where the control and treatment group means are located. The question the t-test addresses is whether the means are statistically different.

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What does it mean to say that the averages for two groups are statistically different? Consider the three situations shown in Figure 2. The first thing to notice about the three situations is that the difference between the means is the same in all three. But, you should also notice that the three situations don't look the same -- they tell very different stories. The top example shows a case with moderate variability of scores within each group. The second situation shows the high variability case. the third shows the case with low variability. Clearly, we would conclude that the ...

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