The effetct of copper nitrate on the germination of mustard seeds.

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The effetct of copper nitrate on the germination of mustard seeds.


The aim of the experiment is to investigate the effect of diferent concentrations of copper nitrate upon the growth of germinating mustard seeds.


A seed is an embryo plant and contains within itself all the materials and energy to start off a new plant. germination is started by the rapid uptake of water by the seed resulting in a dramatic increase in mass. although copper is generally an environmental hazard to humans only in regions surrounding mine sites and smelters, it also causes significant crop losses when it accumulates in soil where it is used as a fungicide.

plants prevent damage from excess accumulation of the essential nutrient copper by means of internal and root surface mechanisms. most of the functions of copper as a plant nutrient are based on the participation of enzymatically bound copper in redox reactions. some plants growing on mine spoil heaps, which have resistent strains to toxic metal, have caused the plants to have the ability to transport copper out of the cell into the cell wall, so that it has less effect on cell metabolism. these copper tolerant grasses have evolved due to selection pressuresbeing placed on the plants, which has  inturn led those who are better adapted, copper tollerant, to survive providing them with a selective advantage.


For this reason i predict copper nitrate will inhibit germination and growth of mustard seeds, especially at relativly low concentrations of copper nitrate as copper nitrate is toxic. if some of the mustard seeds do grow, this will only be due to chance or a mutation giving them a selective advantage in the environment.

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The independent variable of this experiment is the molarity of the copper nitrate solution. this will be changed and should cause changes in the dependent variables. the dependent variables of this experiment are the chans in growth of the mustardseeds, which should occur as a result of changing the independent variable.

All variables, apart from the independent variable, must be kept constant in order to allow for a fair test. The variables include:

  1. The temperature. This is beacuse by increasing the temperature the kinetic energy of molecules also increases and as a result the diffusion rate will ...

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** This is unfortunately an unfinished piece of coursework as it includes no results, analysis,interpretation or evaluation. The planning needs to pay more attention to the controlled variables such as type of seed, temperature and light and be much clearer on the details of the experimental method. Although examiners are not usually marking spelling, punctuation and grammar in all sections of a report it does make it easier to read and identify the key marking points. This report has many errors in key scientific words and lacks capital letters for nearly every sentence. It would be helpful to spell check and grammar check any coursework before submitting it if you are aiming for the highest grades.