The Extraction of Metals.

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The Extraction of Metals


Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust. Most aluminium ores do not have a high enough aluminium content to make extraction economical. Bauxite, its main ore, is the one from which aluminium is extracted.

Bauxite is impure aluminium oxide (Al2O3). The first step is to purify it. Aluminium is more reactive than carbon so it cannot be reduced by carbon. Instead, aluminium oxide is electrolysed (see Chapter 11: Uses of Electrolysis). There are, however, a few considerations to take into account for the electrolysis of aluminium oxide:

  • For electrolysis, as you should know, the ions must be free to move. They are only free when molten or in solution. Aluminium oxide does not dissolve in water and its melting point is over 2000ºC. The energy required to heat it would make the process inefficient. So, aluminium oxide is dissolved in cryolite (Na3AlF6), another ore of aluminium. Cryolite melts at a lower temperature, so the electrolysis can occur at a lower temperature (about 1000ºC).
  • Graphite electrodes are used. Molten aluminium is produced at the cathode and sinks to the bottom of the cell, from where it is piped off.

    + (l) + 3e- Al(l) 
  • Oxygen is produced at the anode. This means that the graphite electrodes are oxidised to carbon dioxide, so they waste away and must be replaced regularly.

    2- (l) O2(g) + 4e- 
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  • Electrolysis for the extraction of aluminium consumes large amounts of electricity.

Extraction of aluminium by electrolysis

Aluminium is an extremely useful metal. It is a good conductor, is malleable, ductile and has a very low density. Although reactive, it resists corrosion because of the thin oxide layer on its surface, which prevents oxygen from getting to it. Because of its properties, aluminium has many uses.

Uses of aluminium

Iron and steel

Iron is the second most abundant metal in the Earth's crust. Its ores are haematite (Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4).

It is extracted in a blast ...

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