The firmness of a potato may be affected by its age. Also if it was stored in a salt and water solution over night for example its firmness could be affected by the concentration of salt contained in the water.

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Biology – Coursework


The firmness of a potato may be affected by its age. Also if it was stored in a salt and water solution over night for example its firmness could be affected by the concentration of salt contained in the water.

For my biology coursework I am planning to investigate how the size of a potato could be affected by being kept in different concentrations of salt and water. I will try to change this factor by adjusting the concentration of salt in five test tubes, which will contain identical pieces of potato.

A potato is made up of plant cells. Each plant cell is made up of a cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus and vacuole. The vacuole of a plant cell contains sap, which consists of water, sugar and salt. By placing pieces of potato in different concentrations of salt and water, the size will be affected by a process of diffusion. The method of diffusion that I expect to happen is called osmosis. This is when water moves from a dilute solution to a stronger solution. So if the concentration of salt inside the cell’s vacuole is stronger than the surrounding solution that the potato has been placed in, water should then diffuse into the potato. Therefore causing it to expand. But if the situation is reversed and the outside solution’s salt concentration is stronger, water will diffuse from the plant cell’s vacuole into the solution. This would cause the potato to contract.

Plant Cell’s Vacuole                                  Surrounding Solution

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Water diffuses into


Water diffuses into



  • Water particles
  • Salt particles

As a result of osmosis I predict that the bigger the salt concentration in each separate solution, the potato would have a large decrease in size. Which would mean that the smaller the salt concentration in each solution, the potato would have a large increase in size.


(Refer to appendix 1)

To prepare a potato for the experiment, it must be peeled and then cut into several pieces using ...

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