The growing problem of diabetes.

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        It has been a fast growing problem in the parish of Westmoreland and by extension the island of Jamaica that more and more people (young, middle aged and old) are diagnosed daily with diabetes.

        The major causes include genetics, obesity, bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

        Nowadays, people consume junk foods, sweets and sodas, everyone is too busy to prepare nutritious food with so many fast food restaurants to choose from. Junk foods do not contain many nutrients, they are usually very high in salt and sugar content which are not the best for human consumption. Most persons don’t even drink water, they prefer sodas and alcohol which only contain empty calories.

        Everyone likes dessert (the sweet dish eaten after the main meal has been served). It is usually laden with sugar. A low carbohydrate and fiber diet is usually seen in Diabetics, fiber helps to delay glucose absorption thereby preventing Diabetes. If fiber is not included in a diet, it doubles the chance of someone becoming diagnosed with the chronic disease diabetes.

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        Obesity is one of the leading causes of death in Jamaica as it is a major contributor to many illnesses.

        Some persons stay home full time, they lie on their backs all day, watch television and overeat, they become obese and soon develop Diabetes through eating the wrong types of food and not exercising.

        It has been found that genetics is a major cause of Diabetes, meaning Diabetes has been passed down from generation to generation. If we can help this generation to make sensible choices in relation to their health and preventing Diabetes, then we can save millions ...

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The luminous green writing at the top should be avoided as it looks far from professional for a scientific essay. The candidate wrongly uses a capital letter every time they mention diabetes. Punctuation, grammar and spelling are otherwise fine. Format of the essay is fine.

The candidate introduces the topic well and succinctly. Throughout their essay they make a lot of valid points, but they also make quite a few sweeping statements which may not be true. The candidate tends to assume everyone eats dessert, and people choose alcohol over water based drinks which is not true for many of todays society. Some of their language isn't very scientific but rather conversational. This includes 'lay on their backs all day' when a better term would be that they lack exercise and activity. The candidate makes some very good points about why diabetes is such a worry in old age. The candidate does not have a conclusion which means that loose ends in the essay are not tied up, and the candidate does not formulate an end opinion or bring together all the evidence. An essay should always end with a conclusion.

The response to the question is done well. The candidate provides a variety of reasons why diabetes is a problem in the world today, although they don't really address why diabetes is a 'growing problem' only why it is a problem on its own. This should be addressed by factors such as rising obesity levels and modernisation of third world countries.