The Human Cardiac Cycle

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The Human Cardiac Cycle

Organisms require a transport system for several reasons. As the organism gets larger, so the transport system becomes more complex in order to fulfil its requirements. The surface area to volume ratio becomes smaller to the point where a long-distance transport system is required in order to move substances more rapidly. These systems have two primary functions: to link the interior of the organism with the outside world and to link each cell and organ of the organism to each other.

Humans are fairly large mammals and so they naturally have a more intricate transport system. The type of system in a human is known as a closed vascular circulatory system. It involves pumping blood around the body at sustained high pressure which eventually flows back to the heart. The heart is the organ that pumps blood around the body. The transport in humans is also known as a double circulatory system. This means that the system is in two parts: deoxygenated blood is first pumped from the heart to the lungs and then returns back to the heart as oxygenated blood. The second part is when the blood is pumped again by the heart but to the rest of the body to carry out its functions.

Below is a diagram of the heart outlining the main parts of this four-chambered organ as a reference for the rest of this paper:

A common phrase used is 'heartbeat'. A 'heartbeat' occurs when blood is pumped simultaneously from both ventricles in the heart to the lungs and the body. The human cardiac cycle is the sequence of events that occur when the heart 'beats' once. The entire cycle can be simplified into three periods: first the atria contract (atrial systole), this is followed by the contraction of the ventricles (ventricular systole), then finally both the atria and ventricles remain at rest (atrial and ventricular diastole). In humans an average heart rate may be 72 beats/minute. This means that the cardiac cycle normally has a duration of 0.8 seconds. Atrial systole requires 0.1 seconds while ventricular systole requires 0.3 seconds, so the heart is completely at rest for about 0.4 seconds, or half of the cardiac cycle.
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The cardiac cycle can be followed externally in a few different ways. It can be followed by monitoring either the pressure in the arteries, ventricles and atria, or the electrical potential produced at each phase, or even the audible sounds produced by the heartbeat. We can document the cycle beginning at the stage when the heart (all four chambers) are full of blood. It is useful to remember that the right and left sides of the heart work in the same way and so it is easier to consider just what happens on one side for the sake ...

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This essay is well written, the candidate uses correct terminology throughout, there are no problems with grammar and only a few spelling errors. You should make sure that you take the time to look over your work so that you can avoid basic errors.

It is clear from the additional information that the candidate has discussed that they have taken the time to do some research around this topic. This is a good idea as it shows interest in your subject and the extra information this allows you to include in your essay can make it more enjoyable to read. That said, it is important that you reference any resources you have used during your research as this can show that your work is not plagiarised. On a less positive note, the candidate has not written a conclusion therefore their essay comes to a rather abrupt end. It is essential that you conclude your essay, if you done properly, a conclusion allows you to leave the reader with a good impression of your work. To write a good conclusion you should summarise key points from your essay and state why this are relevant as this helps to tie together any loose ends. You should also write a personal response to your topic as your teacher/examiner is interested in what you have to say. You can do this by making sure that you answer any questions you set yourself with a personal opinion or for a science based essay like this one, you could discuss what you have leant form researching your topic.

The candidates response is very good, they provide a great deal of detail and it is clear that they have a good understanding of this topic. However, this essay doesn’t have an appropriate introduction, which is a mistake, you should always take the time to introduce your work. This is your opportunity to catch the readers attention and get them interested in what you have to say. A good introduction should include a few sentences that introduce your topic and a clear statement of what you plan to discuss. There are many ways in which you can engage the reader, these include adding an interesting fact or quote, though this must be relevant to your topic.