The Iodine Clock Investigation

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The Iodine Clock Investigation



This is an investigation into the rate of a reaction and the factors that contribute to how fast a reaction will take place. Through the recording and analysis of raw data, this investigation also allows us to apply generally accepted scientific rules and to test them against results gained from accurate experimental procedures.


The aim of this experiment is to investigate the rate at which iodine is formed when the concentration and temperature of the reactants are varied, and to attempt to find the order and activation energy.

The Chemistry 

‘THE IODINE CLOCK’ - This is the experiment that will be used to investigate reaction rates, and it is a reaction between acidified hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide:

2H+(aq) + 2I¯ (aq) + H2O2 (l)  I2  (aq) + 2H2O2 (aq)

Iodide ions are firstly oxidised by the hydrogen peroxide, as shown in the above equation. The iodine that is then produced reacts immediately reacts with thiosulphate ions as follows:

I2 (aq)  + 2Na2S2O3 (aq)  2NaI (aq)  + Na2S406 (aq)

As soon as all of the thiosulphate ions have reacted with the iodine, the excess iodine molecules react with the 2% starch solution that is present in the reaction. This can be seen as an instant change in colour, from a colourless solution, to a deep purple coloured solution. This change in colour denotes the completion of the reaction.

Factors affecting the rate of reactions:

All chemical reactions occur at a definite rate under particular conditions. In order to increase the rate at which reactions occur, the frequency at which reacting molecules collide must be increased. This may be achieved in a number of ways:

  1. By increasing the concentrations of reacting species.
  1. By increasing the temperature.
  1. By increasing the pressure (only really significant in reactions involving gases).
  1. By the use of a suitable catalyst.
  1. In the case of solids, by reducing particle size and thus increasing the effective surface area.
  1. In particular cases the rate may depend on the influence of electromagnetic radiation such as visible or ultra-violet light.

In this investigation the two factors affecting the rate of reactions that will be investigated, are concentration and temperature.

The Effect Of Concentration On The Rate Of A Reaction

In a reaction that takes place between two substances, A and B, if we were to

look at how quickly substance A is used, the rate of the reaction would be the rate of change of substance A, symbol rA. The rate of change of concentration of substance B, rB may also have been measured.

        The rate of change of the concentration follows a general mathematical expression in the form:

Rate = k [A]a[B]b[C]c

This is known as the concentration rate equation where:

  • The rate equation has units of mol dm-3s-1 (other units may be used).
  • The square brackets denote the concentration (in mol dm-3).
  • The sum of all of the indices is called the overall order of the reaction.

‘k’ is a constant of proportionality called the rate constant. The units of k depend on the order of the reaction and can be worked out from the rest of the rate equation.

Order of the Reaction

The kinetics of a reaction can be classified in terms of its order; these are experimentally determined quantities related to the rate expression.

Rate = k [A]a[B]b[C]c

The order with regard to a particular species (A, B or C) is equal to the power to which the concentration of this species is raised to (a, b or c)


        The overall order of the reaction is equal to the sum of the powers of the concentration.

Order = a + b + c

Where the rate expression shows the reaction to be dependent on the concentration of one reactant, the concentration of the substance is raised to the power zero. Therefore, the rate is independent of the concentration.

i.e.        Rate = k[A]0

It is said to have zero order kinetics. When the results of a zero order reaction are plotted on graphs of concentration vs. time, and concentration vs. rate, the following results are typical to zero order reactions:

When the rate expression shows the reaction to be dependant on the concentration of one reactant raised to the power one, it is said to have first order kinetics.

        The following graphs show results typical to first order reactions:

The first zero order graph showing concentration vs. time is such that the time it takes for the concentration of the reactant to be halved is constant; this is known as half-life.

When the rate expression shows the reaction to be dependant on the concentration of one reactant raised to the power two, it is said to have second order kinetics.

        The following graphs show results typical to second order reactions:

The final graph showing concentration vs. time will have a half-life that isn’t constant, but one that increases dramatically as the reaction proceeds. This graph is visibly much ‘deeper’ than a graph showing a first order reaction.


        The graphs above only show the order of a reaction with respect to substance A, and do not necessarily show the overall order of the reaction.

The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction

As the temperature of a reaction rises, the average speeds of reacting particles also increase. At high temperatures there are more collisions per second and this results in an increase in the rate of the reaction.


        For many reactions a 10 K (°C) increase in the temperature will approximately double the rate of the reaction. A graph showing how the rate of a reaction increase when compared to temperature will have the following general shape:

In many reactions between gases it is the actual collision of particles that control the rate of the reaction and for a collision which actually results in a reaction the kinetic energy possessed by the colliding particles must have a minimum energy, E.

        All reactions have what is known as activation energy, EA which is the minimum energy possessed by reacting particles that is required to initiate a chemical reaction.


The activation energy of a reaction may be derived from the ‘Arrhenius Equation’.

The Arrhenius Equation

It can be shown that for one mole of colliding particles at a temperature t, the

rate of reaction can be found from the following equation:

ln k = C -  EA (1/T)



        k = rate constant

        R = gas constant (8314 JK-1mol-1)

        EA = Activation Energy

        C = ln collision rate

The Arrhenius equation shows that when the temperature rises, there is a large increase in the value of the rate constant, k. This corresponds to a large increase in the number of collisions occurring with the necessary minimum energy or activation energy, EA.

        The following graph shows very simply that when you look at the distribution of energies amongst gas molecules at different temperatures T, there is a much higher proportion of molecules with the necessary activation energy, or minimum energy for reaction, Emin, at the higher temperature, T2, than at the lower temperature, T1.


The activation energy of a reaction can be calculated from experimental values using the Arrhenius equation. When the ln (rate) of a reaction is plotted against the rate of a reaction, the following shaped graph is typical:

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When the gradient of this graph is measured, the EA  can be calculated as:

Gradient = - EA 


Key Variables

Before we can even begin to consider carrying out any practical experiments, the factors of the reaction which when changed might affect the rate of the reaction, must be identified. These factors are known as the key variables, and deciding which to vary, and which to keep constant during the experiment becomes very important when it ...

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