The Journey of a cheese sandwich

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Food Groups

Carbohydrates-  are the starches and sugars that provide the energy our bodies need to function and grow. Almost all of the carbohydrates we consume come from the plant source. They produce glucose as well. Glucose gives us quick energy, but our body cells can't use heaps of it all at once so it saves some in our liver and muscles, when it's called glycogen. Good sources are cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.

Minerals- We needed it in small amounts to maintain health. Found in Salt, milk (for calcium) and liver (for iron). It gives us strong teeth and bones as well.

Fibre- Fibre is indigestible. It also provides other health benefits such as lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It also controls the blood sugar levels. It aids in weight loss. It’s in vegetables, bran e.t.c.

Protein- Foods such as meat, eggs, and beans contains protein. Our body nerves, tissues, bones all are made up of proteins. So proteins become very necessary for us to grow and repair. Another function of protein is that it produces antibodies which fight with the bacteria, viruses and many foreign substances that are harmful for the body. 

Fats- It’s provide energy. It keeps skin and hair healthy. Fat is stored as back up energy and insulate it against cold. Butter, oils, nut contain fats.

Vitamins- We need it in small amounts to maintain health. But it can’t be stored in the body. It also gives good eye sight. Dairy foods, fruit, vegetables are some example.

Water- Water protects our organs and body parts and holds them together. Water is essential for our body cells, it gives them strength. Water is used to transport nutrients, waste matter, hormones and other things in our body. It keeps the body hydrated. Found in fruit juice, milk e.t.c.

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Why the body needs food?

The human body is incredibly complex. Every second, millions of physiological and chemical reactions take place in order to maintain good health. The body both creates things (e.g. heat, muscle, proteins, RNA, hair, nails, enzymes, fat tissue, bones) and breaks things down (food, stored fat, etc.). These anabolic and catabolic processes, along with all organs and systems, need fuel to enable them to function. The fuel or energy that the body uses comes from the food and drink that we consume in our diet. In a nutshell, food is human gasoline.

Organs of the digestive ...

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Minor grammatical errors in places. Spelling and punctuation appear fine. The candidate uses a conversational tone to describe the science behind the cheese sandwich but this is a path I would avoid. The candidate could have made the journey clearer using concise subheadings to show each body system and bullet points to make the information easier to read.

Whilst the general properties of the seven different types of nutrients are mentioned, they are only outlined in basic scientific detail. To gain higher marks this would go into greater scientific depth. I also do not think this directly answers the question of a journey of a cheese sandwich as I would focus on the contents of a basic cheese sandwich directly and their different journey rather than focus on generic nutrients. The candidate under the heading why does the body need food uses too many words and the scientific information is waffly and not concise or in depth enough. The actual journey itself of the cheese sandwich is described in baseline depth. However the depth of information and the synthesis of different organ systems to gain a larger picture is very good for this level of candidate. The candidate does not mention the action of the pancreas or liver which would further boost their grade.

Overall response to the question is good. The candidate addresses a number of different body systems and enzymes although the level of science used is quite basic. The language used can be simplistic in places.