The rate of Cooling of water with different Insulating materials

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The rate of Cooling of water with different Insulating materials


I Aim to find out which is the best insulator out of several different Materials. I also would like to find out if Common Insulation methods are effective in preventing heat loss.


There are many different kind of insulation. I'm using a method called thermal insulation where I use materials to stop the loss of the heat by radiation. Air is one of the best insulators so materials with more trapped air in should prove to be the most useful. I will try and prove this fact.


I'm going to put boiling water into 5 beakers wrapped with different Insulating materials. I will record the temperature every 3 minutes for duration of 24 minute. After that I analyse the data and come to a conclusion.


5 Beakers wrapped with different insulators.

and a Kettle to pure the water and 5 thermometers to

record temperature


5 Beakers

Aluminium foil

Bubble wraps

Synthetic fur

5 thermometers

Black felt

5 rubber bands

5 cardboard lids



I will be careful when handling the hot water and use proper pouring equipment.
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I will use the same amount of water in each beaker. I will keep the beakers covered with lids of cardboard.


I have used different materials that have different attributes for insulation. The colour black is known for absorbing heat and light. I expect it to have a cooling effect on the water. The bubble wrap has lots of little air pockets and air is known as a good insulator. I am expecting the temperature to stay high for the bubble wrapped beaker. I expect the Aluminium foil to have little effect. ...

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