The Rates of Reaction of Metals with Acid.

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“A” Level Chemistry (Nuffield)


The Rates of Reaction of Metals with Acid

Student Number 5122                By Anthony Parker


        I plan to study and experiment on two different aspects of chemical kinetics.  These include.

  • Activation energy.  

        Activation energy is the amount of energy; it takes for a known substance to collide (collision theory) with another and react to form product(s).

  • Order of reaction.

By the meaning of ‘order of reaction’, we mean what the rate of the reaction is.  We study this because there are several factors that can affect the rate of a reaction.  These include concentration/pressure, temperature or the presence of a catalyst.

  • What is an acid?

The definition of a strong acid is an acid that almost fully ionises (donates its proton/hydrogen atom) in water, a weak acid is an acid that only partially ionises (donates its proton/hydrogen atom) in water.

Activation Energy.

Reactions can only happen when the reactants particles collide, but most collisions are not successful in forming product molecules. The reactant molecules must collide with enough energy to break the original bonds so that new bonds in the product molecules can be formed.   At a particular temperature the energy of each individual molecule are distributed according to the Boltzmann's distribution. There would then, theoretically, be a set number of molecules with more than the activation energy at any given temperature and therefore the reaction should occur at any temperature. However, this reaction is too slow to be measured and there are many factors that affect this rate of reaction.

These include concentration.  If the concentration of any reactant in a solution is increased, the rate of reaction is increased. Increasing the concentration increases the probability of a collision between reactant particles because there are more of them in the same volume or area. Increasing the concentration of an acid molecule increases the frequency at which they hit the surface of a reactant to dissolve them.  

The diagram on the right, below, shows an example of a high concentration of acid.  The diagram on the left shows an example of a low concentration of acid.

 The effect of pressure on the reaction is if one or more of the reactants is a gas then increasing pressure will effectively increase the concentration of the reactant molecules and speed up the reaction. The A and B diagram above could represent lower pressure on the left, higher pressure on the right.  This will result in a lower concentration on the left and a greater concentration on the right.  Increasing frequency of collision and therefore increasing the speed of the reaction.

When gases or liquids are heated, the particles gain kinetic energy and move faster. The increased speed increases the chance of collision between reactant molecules and the rate increases. However, this is not the main reason for the increased reaction speed.  Although this is what I will be studying in experiment two.

Most molecular collisions do not result in chemical change. Before any change takes place on collision, the colliding molecules must have a minimum kinetic energy called the activation energy. This is shown on the energy level diagrams below. It does not matter if the reaction is an exothermic or an endothermic energy change. Now when heated molecules have a greater kinetic energy, a greater proportion of them have the required activation energy to react. The increased chance of higher energy collisions greatly increases the speed of the reaction.

Activation energy

In normal circumstances reactions happen because molecules would rather be put under a more stable state by having less chemical energy (Energy stored in bonds,) The only case where a reaction can still happen despite having a positive reaction enthalpy is when the products have a much greater entropy than the reactants and the reaction happens endothermically. This is because the world is constantly seeking to increase the entropy, or the dis-order of the molecules. The greater the different ways the molecules can be arranged in a state, the greater entropy it has.  Experiment 1 and 2 are exothermic, but as there is large proportion of acid to substrate the rise in temperature is so small, its effects are negligible.

In experiment 1 to calculate the Activation Enthalpy of a particular reaction, we needed to make use of the Arrhenius Equation. By rearranging Equation kAexp(-EA/RT) into the form of y = mx + c, we are able to relate it to a graph. k represents the ‘rate constant’ which at a given temperature equals to the rate of the reaction, which is directly proportional to t-1, where t is the amount of time taken for the reaction mixture to dissolve the metal. If we plot 1/Temperature against log(1/Time), the gradient of the graph will be equal to -EA/R. Using this method, we can calculate the activation enthalpy of any particular reaction just by doing an experiment at several different temperatures and plotting a graph and doing the correct calculation. (As seen in the calculations section.)

The Order of reaction.

The rate of a reaction may or may not be dependent on the relative amounts of the chemicals involved. The rate of reaction relies on the least amount of reactant, this is the limiting factor on the rate. It is directly proportional to the rate at which particles collide. Similarly, some rates of reaction are proportional to the volume of a chemical, or the concentration of a solution. Reactions in this category include most uncatalysed inorganic reactions that have their rates dictated by the rate of molecular collisions. Others, normally enzyme-based biological processes, would start off appearing to be first order with respect to the concentration of the enzyme and the input, but will soon tail off and become zero order with respective to the input. This is due to the occupation of all the 'active sites' on the enzyme, not due to a lack of collisions between the reactants.

If the reaction only involves one step, then that is equal to the actual rate of reaction. For instance, the initial rate of reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and magnesium can be calculated using this method easily. However, with more complex reactions, notably in organic reactions, the reaction involves several steps, and this is where the reaction mechanism comes into play.

So, if a chemical reaction involves a series of steps, some of which are faster than the other, the one which dictates the overall rate of reaction would be the slowest step. This step is known as the 'rate determining step'.

Chemical reactions take this even further. Supposing the rate of step one in a particular reaction is of first order with respect to the concentration of chemical A, but the rate of step two is of zero order with respect to chemical A.  The overall rate will still be of zero order, because the intermediate product formed that has now been added to step two can only be processed at a certain fixed rate (it is of zero order with respect to chemical A). Any excess intermediate product will stay in the intermediate stage. When predicting the overall rate of reaction, always take the slowest rate from all of the steps of the reaction and lowest order with respect to the concentration of a particular chemical.

In Experiment 2, I will find the order of reaction.  This is to be done, using the equation below.  I can deduce the rate of the reaction, that in turn will tell me the rate of concentration change with respect to my acid.

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The general formula for working out the rate of a reaction is: -

rA = K[A]a [B]b [C]c

Where ra = Rate of concentration change with respect to A.

Where [A], [B] or [C] = concentration mol dm-3.

Where a, b, or c = the order of the reaction.

Where K = the rate constant.

The rate equation will take the form of:

RHCl = k[Mg]a[HCl]b

Since the concentration of magnesium is constant ([Mg]a) then it becomes part of k

RHCl = k[HCl]b

Before I can conduct sums to calculate the value ra, I need to find out ...

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