The relative importance of factors that cause coronary heart disease

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The relative importance of factors that cause coronary heart disease.

There are many economical, environmental and genetic factors, which contribute to heart diseases.  In this section, the factors will be discussed in terms of importance.

Firstly coronary heart diseases result in myocardial infarctions or heart attacks.  A myocardial infarction takes place when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle (myocardium) is cut down or prevented.  This occurs when one of the coronary arteries supplying the blood to the heart becomes blocked due to a build up of deposits.  These will eventually tear a rupture, causing a blood clot to form, which blocks the artery leading to a heart attack.

One major economical factor contributing to coronary heart diseases is smoking.  Over half of Britain indulges in more than five cigarettes a day.  This increases the risks of arteriosclerosis.  Arteriosclerosis refers to the hardening or narrowing of the coronary arteries.  The arteries supply the blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to the heart.  However, if they become blocked by arthrosclerosis, they are unable to deliver a certain amount of blood to the heart muscle.  This can result in angina and heart failures due to weakening heart muscle.

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What does the smoke do ???????????????

From the journal of the American medical association.  Artherosclerosis causes myocardial infarctions.

Researchers studied the implications of smoking on heart diseases over three years.  They concluded that it was common in smokers by 50% than non smokers and 20% likely to develop I passive smokers.  However previous smokers who smoked more than a hundred cigarettes throughout were very likely to develop artherosclerosis.

Smoking also causes blood clots inside the blood vessels resulting in thrombus and ischaemic heart diseases due to narrowed coronary arteries.

Smoking relates to a number of ...

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There is a massive gap that is not needed between the second and third paragraphs. Minor punctuation errors in places, such as commas in the wrong position. Some minor grammatical errors e.g. tear a rupture should be cause a rupture. The massive text in what does the smoke does is not necessary and looks unprofessional. Paragraphing throughout is unclear and this causes confusion to the reader. Overall communication is good.

The candidate introduces what a heart attack is, and what they are going to discuss succinctly and well. They give good information about what leads to an heart attack in general terms before discussing what factors may contribute to an heart attack in the build up. The candidate analyses why smoking contributes to coronary heart disease but does not discuss this in terms of importance like their introduction claimed they would. Smoking leads on to high cholesterol without any paragraphing break as the candidate assumes that smoking causes high cholesterol without explaining it when in fact they are two separate issues. The conclusion is adequate, but it does not answer the topic as it does not rank things of relative importance, but it does make a conclusion, only simple, based on the factors discussed.

The candidate overall talks with great scientific depth and understanding of the factors causing smoking, but should relate more each of their relate importance to answer the question better as this is not evident throughout or in the conclusion. The text in bold seems to be a sabotage of the essay rather than part of it.