The Ultraviolet Camera

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Kenneth Carter January 3, 2003

Catholic Central School Grade 8

Social Studies

The Ultraviolet Camera

George Carruthers invented the Ultraviolet. Who was born in Cincinnati Ohio? His date of birth was 1939. And he had always loved Telescopes. When he was 9 he had made his own telescope. He loved science and he also loved astronomy. And the word astronomy means to study the world around us .When he went to college he studied physics watch means the study of matter.
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He earned his doctorate in 1964. And after that he went to work for the naval research laboratory. There he invented the Ultraviolet light. The light could let you see the sun with out hurting your eyes. After he got all the bugs out of the thing it was reedy to be sent into space and tested. So they blasted off into space. And when they got there it worked and they did their jobs. Even throw the flight was and susses him kept working on it until it was perfect. Until it was perfect he keep testing ...

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