The Universe and Nuclear Fusion

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Physics Homework – Nuclear Fusion        Mrs Smirk        Martha Brown

Nuclear Fusion

  1. What was the Big Bang?

The big bang is the theory that once upon a time all the matter in the entire universe was compacted into one single small ball. The ball then exploded and shattered apart, throwing matter all across space and time. This theory is supported by the fact we know that all the galaxies are moving away from us faster and faster. The further away it goes the faster it gets. This makes us believe that the matter is still moving from the original explosion.

  1. What is background radiation and what does it show?

Background radiation, is just that – radiation in the background. It comes from all sorts of things like rocks, certain food sources, buildings and even that which is manufactured by us through various industries using it. Different types of radiation come from different parts of the world as there are different rock forms and bases. You also get cosmic rays of background radiation from the sun.

  1. Describe in detail the life of a star


A star starts off as a cloud of dust and gas (specifically hydrogen). The cloud starts to clump together due to gravity. The cloud gathers together over thousands of years and spins slowly. The fast rotational force causes heat energy to form and increase the energy of the whole structure. As the heat increase and the rotational force increase that cloud becomes more and more compacted. This keeps increasing the speed and heat energy and gravity.

Eventually the cloud of dust and gas compacts so much that is forms a vague circular shape. This is called a protostar. As a protostar it is incredibly hot and busting with energy. It keeps giving out massive amounts of heat and the protostar becomes a main-sequence star.

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In order for nuclear fusion to take place, there must be tremendous amounts of pressure and heat. This pressure crushes together elements to create more massive elements and energy. Stars begin fusing hydrogen first because it is the least dense and the easiest to fuse. Four hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form one nucleus of helium. A by-product of this is further release of energy. Stars that are going through this hydrogen burning process are known to be on the main sequence. Stars spend most of their life (approx. 90%) on the main sequence. The main-sequence phase is around ...

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