The uses and dangers of electromagnetic radiation

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The uses and dangers of electromagnetic radiation

What is electromagnetic radiation?

The electromagnetic spectrum is a name that scientists gave to different types of radiation when referring to them as a group. Radiation is an energy that spreads out as it goes. For example; visible light is part of that spectrum, the type that comes from a fire or a light, radio waves are another example, like the ones that are you get on AM radios.

There are seven segments to the electromagnetic spectrum; Radio, Microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma rays. Radio is largest wave length, but the smallest frequency and Gamma rays are the opposite. All of the radiation act like light, and even though they all have different wave lengths and frequency’s they travel at the same high speed; 300,000,000 Meters per second (speed of light). All of them are given of by stars in space; however some of them are absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere.

Radio: This is the same type of radio wave that is emitted by radio stations, but there not the only things that do, stars and gases in space also emit radio waves. The everyday uses of these are; AM and FM radios, Aircraft and shipping bands and shortwave radio. Radio waves penetrate the Y part of our atmosphere. The wavelength for radio is 10^3, and the frequency is 10^4.

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Microwaves:  These are the same types used your microwave oven you use at home. They are also used in radars, and in space. Astronomers use them to find out about our galaxy. It penetrates N on our earths atmosphere. The wave length is 10^-2, and the frequency is 10^8.

Infrared: Infrared has a heating effect. Our own skin emits it this is why you can see someone when you have night vision goggles on. The police use infrared cameras on criminals so they can catch them. Remote controls are also used with infrared radiation. It penetrates N also. ...

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