There are many things that affect the human body and attack its defence systems,they can be naturally occouring in the environment or self inflicted or caused by societys pollution of our planet.

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There are many things that affect the human body and attack its defence systems,they can be naturally occouring in the environment or self inflicted or caused by societys pollution of our planet. Below are some conditions, with the effects that they cause to the human body and its defence mechanisms.

Alcohol consumption is a health issue which affects the vast majority. A great many people drink alcohol regularly. Although they may not be alcoholic in the sense of being addicted to alcohol, they neverthelesss expose themselves to health risks. The alcohol in wines, beers and spirits is a depressant of the central nervous system. Small amounts gives a sense of well-being, with a realease from anxiety. However, this is accompanied by a fall-of in performance in any activity requiring skill. It also gives a misleading sense of confidence.The drunken driver usually thinks he or she is driving very well. Even a small amount of alcohol in the blood increases our reaction time. In some people, the reaction time is doubled even when the alcohol in the blood is well below the legal limit laid down for car drivers. This can make a big differenece in the time needed for a driver to apply the brakes after seeing a hazard. Alcohol reduces inhibitations and it can lead to irresponsible behaviour such as vandalism and aggression.  Alcohol causes vaso-dilation in the skin, giving sense of warmth but in fact leading to a greater loss of body heat. A concentration of 500mg of alcohol in 100 cubic cm of blood results unconsciousness. More than this will kill, by stopping the action of the breathing centre in the brain. High doses of alcohol can harm virtually every organ in humans body. Many of these effects are reversible with abstinence, others are not.(2)

Esophagus. Alcohol is associated with nearly half of the cancers of the esophagus, mouth, and larynx. Peole who vomit too intensely after getting drunk can cause tears in their esophagus.

Brain. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system and contracts brain tissue. It destroys brain cells - which unlike many other types of cells in the body, do not regenerate. Taken in large amounts over a long period of time, alcohol can cause serious problems with cognition and memory.

Heart. Heavy drinking can cause heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and heart failure. Even social drinkers who binge on special occasions can sometimes get bouts of irregular heartbeats.

Lungs. Heavy drinkers have more pulmonary infections and can be more susceptible to pneumonia and lung collapse. As intoxicated person loses his reflexses and can't clear his airway when he vomits.Stomach contents may get sucked into the lungs, which can lead to choking or pneumonia.

Liver. Liver damage often begins with a fatty liver, and may progress to alcoholic hepatitis.That may be followed by the buidup of scar tissue known as cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can change the structure of the liver and choke off blood flow. This can cause varicose veins, which can rupture, triggering catastrophic bleeding.

Stomach. Alcohol irritates the stomach, and can cause gastritis, ulcers and acid reflux. Gastritis is an inflamation of the mucous membrane that lines the stomach. Erosion in that lining can cause constant oozing of blood into the stomach or, if a vessel ruptures, major bleeding.

Kidneys. Alcohol is a diuretic that increases urine output. Prolonged heavy drinking can cause kidney failure.

Small intestines & pancreas. Alcohol blocks the absorption and breakdown of nutrients by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines, and by decreasing the amount of digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas. The pancreas can become inflamed and leak digestive enzymes, which then attackthe pancreas itself.

Reproductive system. In men, it impairs the production of sperm and testosterone, and can lead to interfility and impotance. In women, the effect can be decreased estrogen metabolism in the liver which increases the amount of estrogen circulating the body, which can contribute to menstrual irregularities and even interfility.

Blood. Prolonged alcohol abuse can cause anemias and abnormal blood clotting, which results in excessive bleeding and easy bruising. It also impairs the functionof white blood cells, increasing susceptibility to infection.

Joints & muscles. Alcohol dependence can cause osteoporosis & arthritis, and deform the joints. It can atrphy muscles and cause acute muscle pain and weakness.

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Skin. Alcohol causes the small blood vessels in the skin to dilate(open), which results in a rush of warm blood to the surface. This makes the skin look flushed and gives the person a false feeling of "being hot".(13)

Heavy drinking during pregnancy can lead to deformed babies. Alcohol can cross the placenta and damage the foetus. Pregnant women who take as little as one alcoholic drink a day are at risk of having babies with lower than average birth weights. These under-weight babies are more likely to become ill. All levels of drinking are thought to increase the risk ...

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