There are several ways of sharing information - Statistical information - data.

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        All around the world, information is being shared. There are several ways of sharing information. It could be through the exchange of words, signs or gestures depending on the type of information being transmitted. Statistical information is commonly shared worldwide. Statistical Information is used in our everyday life and it could range from the number of times Mary Ann catches a cab to school to the sales figures of a mobile phone company from the year 2002-2003.

Before sending such information out, one must collect the relevant data required to present a purpose. This can be done through surveys, questionnaires or research. In order to present the data effectively, it must be organized systematically so it can be easily manipulated. There are several ways of organizing and illustrating the collected data such as through pie charts, bar charts, line graphs, histograms and the list goes on. It helps to familiarize your self with the two types of data, discrete and continuous data.

Discrete Data is information acquired through counting and is written in whole numbers.  Examples of discrete data could be the number of passengers a bus had in a day, or the total number of jackets sold at a clothing store.  Continuous data is information that is accumulated by measuring.  This means measuring time, weight, circumference length, width and so on. Continuous data is usually found in grouped frequency tables.

Now that you are familiar with the different types of data, you much organize the data with the use of a Tally Chart or more specifically a Frequency Distribution Table. Such Tables records or keeps count of the data you have collected. Frequency is defined as the number of outcomes of an event. An example of a basic frequency distribution using a tally chart is shown below.

This Table represents the number of times Mary takes the train in a year.

A Frequency Table is the numerical version of the Tally Table and it represents how many times an event occurs. Its main objective is to summarize numeric data in a logical manner that allows an overall perspective of the data to be accessible. Not all cases will have small amounts of data being manipulated. There are times when the number of values in a set of raw data is too large and the format shown above would not be suitable. For such situations, a group frequency distribution is applied. It organizes the data items into classes of values. Each class shows how the number of items having values in the group. These are known as the class frequency.  

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For example we are to present the number of business calls made in a November (Table A) and the amount of donations made to a charity (Table B).

Table A:                                                        Table B:

In Table A it can be observed that there is a gap between the upper limit of the first group which is 5, the lower limit of the second group which is 6 and this is consistent amongst the other groups. This indicates that the data has been measured as ...

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