This experiment is to show that light intensity if effecting the rate of photosynthesis, but before we do this we need to know that photosynthesis is actually occurring.

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Light Intensity on the rate of photosynthesis


Plants are autotrophic nutritious, which means that they produce their own food. They do this by a process called photosynthesis by which chlorophyll containing organisms (green plants) - capture energy in the form of light and convert it to chemical energy to form complex substances from carbon dioxide and water. Virtually all the energy available for life, in the Earth's biosphere, which is the zone in which life can exist; is made available through photosynthesis.

Photo means light and synthesis means to manufacture.

Using energy from the sun, cells in the leaves turn simple materials into energy rich food. Water, carbon dioxide and other minerals are the inorganic substances, which the plants use to tun into carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins. The process takes place in chloroplasts. These are special structures in the leaves. A leafs skin is the upper epidermis, beneath this lies the palisade cells which are chief food producers. Spongy cells are partly surrounded by pockets of air, which enable the cells to exchange gases with the atmosphere. There are small openings called stomata, under the leaf in the lower epidermis. Veins in the leaf carry water and nutrients from the roots around the leaf. Carbon dioxide enters through the stomata. Cells in the palisades and spongy layer contain chlorophyll, which helps to absorb and trap energy from the sunlight, which helps to convert light energy into chemical energy. Carbon dioxide combines with water and photosynthesises to make carbohydrates, which is glucose, to form oxygen and sugar. The glucose can then be turned into starch, which will then be stored or turned back into glucose and used for respiration. Oxygen is produced and escapes through the stomata. The sugar dissolves in the water and is carried through out the plant, providing energy for growth. For photosynthesis to occur light energy is needed, this is the most essential substance because it provided energy for the process to be carried out.

Therefore we can say that the formula for plants is:


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Carbon dioxide + water                    glucose + oxygen


The balanced equation for this is:

6CO + 6H2O                         C6H12O6 + 6O2            

This experiment is to show that light intensity if effecting the rate of photosynthesis, but before we do this we need to know that photosynthesis is actually occurring. ...

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