This investigation is about what factors affect the speed of boiling water-cooling to room temperature.

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This investigation is about what factors affect the speed of boiling water-cooling to room temperature.

Factors which may affect how quickly hot water cools down are-

  • Material container is made from
  • The volume of hot water
  • Using a lid
  • Starting temperature of water.

Aim of investigation

The aim of this investigation is to find out how the type of container affects the way hot water cools down to room temperature. I am going to be using 4 types of container- copper, plastic, glass, and polystyrene.

Prediction and Scientific Theory

I predict that the polystyrene cup will keep the most heat because it is the best insulator.

Polystyrene is a good insulator because it contains particles of air making it a bad conductor of heat.

I predict that the copper cup will keep the least heat because it is a good conductor of heat.

Fair Test  

To make the experiment a fair test I will-
  • Use the same amount of water.
  • Make sure the starting temperature is the same.
  • If one is stirred they all have to be stirred.
  • If one is blowed they all have to be blowed.
  • If one has a lid they all have to have a lid.


Step one-boil water


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Step two-Pour 50ml (accurately measured) into each container.

Take the temperature of the water in each container make sure all temperatures are the same. Place lid on each container.

Step three- Take the temperature of the water in each container every minute (time using stop clock) and record results.

B- Glass

C- Hard Plastic


Results Table


Temperature degrees C


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