This investigation is associated with the bounce of a squash ball. I will be investigating 4 different types of squash balls.

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This investigation is associated with the bounce of a squash ball. I will be investigating 4 different types of squash balls, which have different, bounce properties and compare them to each other and relate them to why each different type of squash ball is used. The relationship will be associated with how different balls are used at different levels of proficiency in the game of squash i.e. the squash balls that don’t bounce much will probably used at a less proficient level whereas the balls with the most bounce will be used at professional level. The different coloured squash balls I will be using are; white, yellow, red and blue, and I will be finding out what the difference is between them.

Background Knowledge


The three scientists Boyle, Amontons and Charles investigated the relationship between gas, volume and temperature. Boyle discovered that for a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the pressure is inversely proportional to its volume. So in equation form this is:

pV = constant if T is constant

Amontons discovered that for a fixed mass of gas at constant volume, the pressure is proportional to the Kelvin temperature. So in equation form this is:

p ∝ T if V is constant

Shown below this is represented on graphs in (oC) and (K).



       -273                            0


  1. T/K

Charles discovered that for a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure, the volume is proportional to the Kelvin temperature. So in equation form this is:

V ∝ T if p is constant.

The Equation Of State

These three gas laws that were proposed by Boyle, Amontons and Charles can be summarised as follows:

        For a fixed mass of gas

                pV         =         constant if T         = constant        (i)

                p/T        =        constant if V        = constant        (ii)

                V/T        =        constant if p        = constant        (iii)

These three laws can be used to show that the following equation exists:

                p1V1        =        p2V2

                  T1                  T2

This means for a fixed amount of gas an initial state p1, V1 and T1, for a fixed mass of gas, will give a final state p2, V2 and T2. The equations (i), (ii) and (iii) are obtained from this general equation by considering what happens when the following happen:

  1. T1 = T2
  2. V1 = V2
  3. p1 = p2

The amount of trapped gas molecules is used to tell us the magnitude of the constant. If there is 1 mole of gas being used then the constant is R but if two moles of gas is being used the volume that the gas would occupy would be double, so if there are n moles of gas this can be shown by the following equation:

                pV = nR


This is the equation of state for an ideal gas. R is called the (universal) molar gas constant. A certain mass of a substance will tell us how many moles of that substance we will have but it is different for each substance due to its Relative Atomic Mass. 12g of Carbon-12 will be 1 mole of carbon, the following equation is used to calculate this:

                Number of moles         =        mass of substance

                                                Relative Atomic Mass

Now 1 mole of any gas will contain 6.022 x 1023 molecules and this is know as Avogadro’s Constant.

The Kinetic Theory Of Gases

The kinetic theory rest essentially upon two hypotheses:

  • That there are such things as molecules, and that a gas is a collection of molecules
  • That these molecules are in constant random motion, and that heat is a manifestation of this molecular motion.

Brownian motion is the most direct visual evidence for the second hypotheses, where smoke particles are seen to move around randomly as they are struck by air molecules. The idea of a molecule that is of a dense spherical body of great elasticity and rigidity, like a steel ball bearing is useful in understanding the kinetic theory. Below are the assumptions made:

  • The molecules are of infinitesimal size, i.e. the volume of the gas molecule is negligible compared with the volume occupied by the gas.
  • The intermolecular forces of attraction are negligible except during a collision.
  • The duration of a collision is negligible compared with the time spent in free motion between collisions.
  • A molecule moves with uniform velocity between collisions this means gravity is not taken into account.
  • The collisions between molecules and between walls are perfectly elastic.
  • All collisions obey Newtonian mechanics.

The reason the squash ball bounces higher when the pressure increases is due to the following equation: -

        P = F


This equation is fairly self-explanatory in explaining how the ball bounces higher when pressure is increased. The area remains constant, as volume isn’t changed so more pressure means that there will be more force and it is then this force that it applied in the rebounding of the squash ball so the more force there is the higher the ball bounces. So this equation combined with the other equation can form the following equation: -

        P1V1T2 = F

           T1V2    A

More Physics Of Balls

When you hold a ball above a surface, the ball has potential energy. Potential energy is the energy of position, and it depends on the mass of the ball and its height above the surface. The formula for gravitational potential energy is:

G.P.E.= Weight X Height = mgh

Where m is the mass of the ball measured in kg, g is the gravitational acceleration constant of 9.8 m/sec2 , and h is the height of the ball in m. As the ball falls through the air, the potential energy changes to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. The formula for kinetic energy is:

K.E. = 1/2 mv2

Where m is the mass is kg and v is the velocity in m/sec2 . Both potential and kinetic energy have units of Joules (J).

As the ball falls through the air, the Law of Conservation of Energy is in effect and states that energy is neither gained nor lost, only transferred from one form to another. The total energy of the system remains the same; the potential energy changes to kinetic energy, but no energy is lost. When the ball collides with the floor, the ball becomes deformed. If the ball is elastic in nature, the ball will quickly return to its original form and spring up from the floor. This is Newton's Third Law of Motion- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The ball pushes on the floor and the floor pushes back on the ball, causing it to rebound. Neglecting friction for the ball we're using, the potential energy before you drop the ball will be equal to the kinetic energy just before it hits the ground.

On a molecular level, the rubber is made from long chains of polymers. These polymers are tangled together and stretch upon impact. However, they only stretch for an instant before atomic interaction forces them back into their original, tangled shape and the ball shoots upward.

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You may be wondering why the ball does not bounce back to its original height. Does this invalidate the Law of Conservation of Energy? Where did that energy go? The energy that is not being used to cause motion is changed to heat energy, sound energy, air friction, to internal forces within the ball and to friction between the ball and the ground on impact. After playing a game of tennis or racquetball, you will notice that the ball is warmer at the end of the game than at the beginning because some of the motion energy has been ...

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