This investigation will be looking at what factors affect the performance of a squash ball (in terms of how high it bounces).

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Paul Dunn        Physics Coursework        Helsby High School        

9242                40411

Squash Ball Investigation


This investigation will be looking at what factors affect the performance of a squash ball (in terms of how high it bounces).

My personal aim is to investigate exactly what effect temperature has on the bounce of a squash ball.


When a squash ball is held above a surface, the ball has potential energy.  The amount of potential energy (measured in Joules (J)) depends mainly on two factors: the mass of the ball and the ball’s height above the surface.  The higher the ball and the greater the mass of the ball, the more potential energy it possesses.  When the ball is allowed to drop and travel through the air a rule called the Law of Conservation of Energy takes place.  This law establishes that through the process of the ball being dropped, energy is neither gained nor lost, only transferred from one form to another, in this case from potential energy to kinetic energy.

When the ball collides with the floor, the ball becomes deformed (changes shape or ‘flattens’).  If the ball is elastic, it quickly returns to its original form and rebounds faster of the floor.  The ball pushes the floor and the floor pushes back on the ball, causing it to rebound.  Solid objects have well-structured molecules and atoms that line up in an even pattern and give the object a fixed, specific shape.  A solid’s molecules never move closer together or further apart.  The object may break, but the molecules never move - an incompressible object.  Gases, like air, (inside the ball) have less organized molecules.  Gases take the shape of the containers that they fill, expanding or contracting to fill that container.  A gas can be expanded or compressed: as the squash ball bounces off the floor, the part of the ball in contact with the floor is pushed upwards whilst the rest of the ball is still travelling downwards, resulting in the ball flattening slightly.  The material is pliable - it can bend.  The compressed ball has less volume than the original uncompressed ball but as the ball completely bounces of the floor, the gas in the ball acts in a similar way to a spring, returning the ball to it’s original shape.


Now I can begin to explain my prediction that increasing the temperature of a squash ball will affect its bounce.  A theory linked with this prediction is the Kinetic Theory.  The Kinetic Theory deals with molecules vibrating and bonds breaking as they receive more energy.  In the case of a squash ball, the air molecules are moving and colliding inside the ball pushing against the surfaces with which they make contact.  The air molecules, bouncing around inside the ball, push hard enough on the walls of the round ball to enable it to keep its shape, even after it hits the floor.  These small pushes, over the entire surface, are defined as pressure.  The pressure is maintained by the constant collisions of air molecules.  The pressure inside the ball depends on the speed at which the air molecules are travelling and how often they hit the inner walls of the ball - the more collisions that occur in the ball, the greater its air pressure.  When the ball is heated therefore, the air molecules inside it will possess more energy, move faster and collide more frequently.  This will result in more collisions of the air particles with the inner surface of the ball consequently increasing the ball’s overall air pressure.

As the air pressure within the ball increases, the ball is more able to keep its shape when it comes into contact with the floor than it would be if it had a lower air pressure - constant, rapid collisions of the air molecules inside the ball help maintain the shape of the ball better at a higher pressure.  Because the ball deforms (or flattens) less, it loses less sound and heat energy when it comes into contact with the floor and therefore retains more energy resulting in the ball being able to bounce higher.  When the ball is cooler or at a lower temperature, the air pressure inside the ball is less - the air molecules have less energy, move slower and collide less frequently resulting in the ball deforming (flattening) more as it hits the grounds and resulting in greater loss of heat and sound energy.  This means the ball has less energy to use during motion and is therefore unable to bounce as high as balls warmed to a greater temperature.

Having reflected on the principles discussed above, I predict that as the squash ball is heated, the height of bounce will increase to a point where the temperature rises to such an extent that I would expect the reaction to produce the same results over and over (providing that that specific temperature is not too high that the squash ball proceeds to melt).  Conversely as the squash ball is cooled the height of bounce will decrease.  I also predict that the graph line will begin to straighten into a horizontal line after a certain time, as after a certain temperature the results will become less distinguishable and the ball may also begin to melt (obviously resulting in a ‘stickier, less bouncy’ ball). This melting process would eventually take place because the atoms would gain so much energy that they would break free from bonds with other atoms changing the solid into a liquid.

Preliminary Work

Preliminary work has to be completed in order to determine the final experimental method and how it will be conducted.  This work helps to decide appropriate measurements that need to be taken during the experiment to make results more reliable, sensible and accurate and also to ascertain appropriate testing period times.

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During preliminary testing, I needed to decide from what height the squash ball should be dropped.  The final height needed to give a large ‘bounce back’ height and produce few inaccuracies.  In order to do this, a range of heights was tested from 25cm to 200cm:

Having evaluated the results, I believed that a fixed height of one metre would be appropriate with the resultant heights covering a greater range than if a fixed height of say 50cm was used.  On the other hand, if I dropped the ball from 2 metres it would not only ...

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