To create an isotonic solution that potatoes can be stored in.

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To create an isotonic solution that potatoes can be stored in

Aim: I will create a solution that will be perfect for storing potato chips in. This solution must have a perfect concentration of salt to water, so creating an isotonic solution, which will stop osmosis occurring so neither causing the potatoes cells to swell up or shrivel up.

Variables: To make sure my results are valid I must take into account the variables that may affect my experiment like;

  • Temperature- changes in temperature can speed up or slow down reaction times.
  • Size/mass of potato chips- the size and mass of a potato chip can affect the experiment as the larger the potato chip is more osmosis can occur.

Simple plan: I will use four different solutions each with a different concentration of salt to water. I will put each solution into a separate beaker then I will place a potato chip in each of these solutions.

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Detailed plan: First I will cut four potato chips of roughly the same length and mass (around 0.8g) using a cork borer and plunger. I will then record their weights and then a scalpel to cut it to the correct size and mass. Secondly I will select four different solutions each with a different concentration of salt to water. These concentrations will be 0% salt (pure water), 5% salt, 10% salt and 15% salt. I will then fill four beakers each with a different solution using a syringe, putting 30ml solution in each beaker, and then place one of ...

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