To find out how much energy different alcohols contain when burnt.

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Aim: To find out how much energy different alcohols contain when burnt.

Prediction: I predict that the more carbon atoms in the formula for alcohol, the more energy the alcohol will release when burnt.

Reason: As some alcohols contain more carbon and hydrogen atoms burnt, they will form more Carbon dioxide. The more CO formed, the more energy is given off as energy is given off when bonds are formed. The more CO and more water is being formed each time, therefore more bonds are being created and therefore more energy is released each time.

Key Factors:

  • Amount of water used
  • Width of wick (More heat could be produced as more alcohol would burn with a thicker wick)
  • Diameter of beaker containing water
  • Amount of time water is heated for (Allowing one alcohol to heat for longer would give it more time to reach a higher temperature than the alcohol heated before it therefore making the results gathered from the experiment unreliable)
  • The temperature that the water is heated to. (If you heat one alcohol to one temperature and measured the time it took for it to reach that temperature and then did they experiment again but heated the alcohol to a higher temperature then it would take longer for the alcohol to reach that temperature and therefore make the results inaccurate.)
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  • The distance from the wick to the beaker containing the water to be heated (If you altered the distance then the water would be heated quicker the less distance there was from the wick to the beaker)

Fair Test: In this experiment I will have to keep the following factors the same to ensure a fair test:

  • Amount of water used each time
  • Width of wick
  • Diameter of beaker containing water
  • The temperature water is heated to
  • The distance from the which to the beaker containing the water to be heated

Plan: For this experiment ...

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