To find out how the rate of a reaction is affected by the concentration of the acid.

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Lisa Wilson

Rates of Reaction Coursework


To find out how the rate of a reaction is affected by the concentration of the acid.


Reactions occur faster when the key factors are altered. For a chemical reaction to occur particles must collide together. For any reaction to be successful the collision had to transfer enough energy.

If there is not enough energy transferred the particles will just bounce off one another without the atoms rearranging new substances.

If the temperature of a chemical reaction is increased, energy will be transferred to it. This energy will go back to the particles as kinetic energy. So heating a chemical reaction results in the particles moving faster.

When particles are moving faster they are more likely to collide, and gain more energy. When particles move faster they gain energy, this will lead to collision, which in turn will lead to a reaction.

A catalyst can be used in experiments to speed up or slow down a reaction.

A catalyst often provides a surface where the particles can meet to react. Reactions that occur in this way need less energy transferred to make a collision successfully.

They often allow reactions to work at a lower temperature so fuel is saved.

If the surface area were increased particles would collide more. This is because there are more particles available to react with each other; as they react together they cause a reaction.

If an acid is more concentrated, but the volume is the same, then there are more particles in the same amount of space; this means there is a greater chance of particles colliding and a reaction occurring.
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This is the key factor that I will be changing and investigating throughout my experiment.

Example - Circles in a square. Multiply 0's by 2 (more collision)

The diagram indicates that when the particles in the same area are increased the chances of collision are also increased. As the particles have less room to move around.


For the experiment I will take a measured amount of magnesium (exactly 1.5 cm each), place it into a test tube with one concentration of acid, and time how long it takes for a reaction to occur ...

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