To find out what changes in period occur if we drop the pendulum from different angles and how Period (time it takes the pendulum to travel from one side to the other and back, 1period = 2 swings) and Angle are related to each other.

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Philipp C. Protschka        Page  of         30 April 2007


Physics Practical

Pendulum Experiments:

Experiment 1

Changing the Angle

Planning A:


To find out what changes in period occur if we drop the pendulum from different angles and how Period (time it takes the pendulum to travel from one side to the other and back, 1period = 2 swings) and Angle are related to each other.


As greater the angle is as faster the weight will travel. But not only the speed increases also the distance the pendulum has to travel increases. So there is a direct relationship between speed and distance. The prediction is that the amount of time it takes the pendulum for a period will increase as we increase the angle. This is because the distance the pendulum has to travel increases. Friction and air resistance results in a longer period.

Planning B:

The Equipment needed:
a piece of steel wire at least 1 meter long, stand to attach the pendulum, Boss, Angle measurer, Clamp, a watch that counts seconds, pencil and paper/laptop to record the results, a weight to attach on the string (as heavier as better because air resistance has less effect)

In this Experiment the Controlled variables will be the length of the string, the gravity, etc…

The independent variable in the experiment will be the angle of which the pendulum drops.


Change the angle on the pendulum. Then you'll measure the period, the dependent variable. We will drop it from 9 different angles. From 90°,80°; 70°, 60° 50°, 40°, 30°, 10°

Angle 1:

  1. Set up Equipment like this:

  1. Pull up the weight to an angle of 10°(measured from the vertical position of the pendulum at rest)  and allow it to swing for ten full periods (over and back, 20 times).
  2. 2 people time how long it takes to do this.
  3. The two results where recorded and averaged.
  4. Step 2-3 where repeated 2 more times in order to give more accurate results. The results from the 1-3 trial where averaged and recorded in a data-collection table
  5. Steps 2-5 where repeated only the independent variable was increased by 10 in each repetition until 90° where reached.
  6. Results where plotted on a graph.
  7. Line of Best fit was drawn.
  8. formula for the line was calculated (e.g. y = x)
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The Experiment worked good in relation to the equipment we used. The results taken are accurate to 1/10 of a second. One interesting thing you can see from the left graph is that as the time it took the pendulum to travel from one end to another increased, which can be due to air resistance and resistance where the string is attached.

Overall Conclusion:

When you change the angle of the pendulum, the period of the pendulum does change. As Bigger the angle as ...

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