To investigate how surface area affects the method rate of the catalase reaction.

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Jo Elston 10Ben        Science Coursework-Enzymes


Aim- to investigate how surface area affects the method rate of the catalase reaction.


  • Avocado
  • Borer                                              
  • Knife
  • White tile
  • Goggles
  • Apron
  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
  • Conical flask
  • Trough
  • Water (H2O)
  • Ruler
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Delivery tube
  • Test tubes
  • Test tube holder
  • Bung
  • Thermometer
  • Stop watch

Labelled diagram of the apparatus


First we will set up the equipment as shown, and then we will put on some goggles and an apron to protect us from any spilt chemicals. We will then draw a results table; in the table we must state the surface area of each piece of avocado.

We will carefully peel and the avocado using a knife, we will then use the corer to core five 50mm cylinders of avocado using a ruler. If the cylinders have dents or chips in them then we will have to state these for my results, in case there are any anomalous results.

We will leave the first avocado cylinder as a 50mm core. With the second we will cut it into two pieces of equal size, with the third we will cut it into three fairly equal pieces, with the forth cylinder we will cut it into four fairly equal pieces, then with the last piece we will cut it into five equal pieces with the length of 10mm each.

We will then place the measuring cylinder in the trough of water and make sure that all air bubbles trapped inside it have escaped; this should leave us with a measuring cylinder filled with water. Then we will carefully fill the test tube with 20cm³ of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and put the bung on. Then we will get one of my partners to control the stopwatch, and the other to be ready with the bung. We will pick up the first piece of avocado and quickly drop it into the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), at the same time my partner will start the stopwatch and my other partner will quickly put the bung securely into the test tube, therefore not losing any oxygen. We will leave the avocado in the peroxide (H2O2) for 120 seconds, when that time is up we will take the bung out and read the measurement on the tube which will give us the amount of oxygen that was expelled. We will then record that measurement in our results table. We will repeat this method for the two pieces of avocado, the three pieces of avocado, the four pieces of avocado and the five pieces of avocado. Once all the experiments have been completed and all the results have been recorded, then we will repeat the whole method again for a further two times giving us three trials and three sets of results for five cores of avocado, making it a reliable experiment.

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I will make it a fair test by - Having all the measurements the same for each of the trials and by keeping the H2O2 at the same temperature.

I will make the experiment reliable by - Repeating the experiment three times, therefore having three trials giving us more accurate results and by following the Variables ‘instructions’.


  • Goggles- to protect your eyes from Hydrogen peroxide( H2O2)
  • Apron- to protect your clothes from Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
  • Sharpe knifes- be careful and safe when handling them and always cut on the white tile.
  • Corer- be careful and safe ...

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