To investigate how the length of a wire affects the current flowing through it.

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Aim- To investigate how the length of a wire affects the current flowing through it.

 For me to investigate this I must first use my scientific knowledge to understand exactly how and why the length of a wire should affect the current flowing through it. From this I will then be able to devise a suitable test.

Scientific Knowledge

 Electric current- is the flow of electrons round a circuit. The current is produced from moving electrons, which are free to move around the circuit. They flow opposite to conventional current which, means they travel from negative to positive. Current is measured in Amperes (A).

Electrons can only move from the negative terminal of a battery to the positive end if there is an electric path between them. Materials that allow electrons to move through them easily, to form an electric current, are called conductors. These are mainly metals such as copper, gold and silver and also carbon (non-metal). Materials that do not allow electrons to move through them easily are called insulators. The wire going to be used is a metal and so this is why a current will pass through.

 Anything that slows the electrons down, by the atoms of the material resisting the flow, is a source of electrical resistance. All materials oppose current passing through them. It is this opposition that is the resistance. It occurs when the atoms of the material block the course for the electrons causing the electrons to bump in to them, slowing them down. The more collisions between the electrons, and the atoms, the greater the resistance. As the collisions takes place they cause the atoms to vibrate, increasing with more electrons passing. If they collide at great force the electrons lose the energy they are carrying to the material atoms. The energy is transferred to the atoms increasing the vibrations, which create heat energy. The amount of resistance depends on factors such as:

  • Type of material- the better the conductor the lower the resistance.
  • Length of material- the longer the material the higher the resistance.
  • Thickness of material- the thinner the material the higher the resistance.
  • Temperature of the material- the higher the temperature the higher the resistance.

 A Variable Resistor is a resistor whose resistance can be changed. The resistance is changed by altering the length of wire in the resistor (the longer the wire the higher the resistance)- the higher the resistance the smaller the current.

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 The second factor of the length of material would suggest the answer to my aim is that the resistance will increase with length. However, it is my job to form a prediction and then test my prediction.

 Ohm’s law- is the physical principle stating that the electric current flowing through a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference between its ends, as long as the temperature stays the same.

V= IR    or    I= V/R

Prediction- from the scientific know ledge I have acquired I predict that:

 “The longer the length of the ...

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