To investigate osmosis in potato chips placed in different concentrations of sugar solution.

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/ Year 10 Coursework


        Osmosis is the movement of water from dilute solution to more concentrated solution through a semi-permeable membrane.



To investigate osmosis in potato chips placed in different concentrations of sugar solution.


  1. 6 test tube
  2. Pure water
  3. 1Molar sugar solution
  4. Clean potatoes
  5. 1 borer
  6. 1 measuring cylinder
  7. 1 scale
  8. 1 ruler
  9. 1 knife


        Firstly, I need to make six solutions with different sugar concentration. I will mix the 1M sugar solution with water. The amount of water present in the solution will determine the overall concentration of the solution. For example, in order to get 10mm³ 0.6M solution, I will use the measuring cylinder to get 6mm³ sugar solution and 4mm³ pure water. The solution now contains 40% water and 60% sugar solution, which is 0.6M. On the other hand, the 1.0M solutions will have no extra water added in and the 0.0M solutions will be pure water.

        I will then make 18 identical potato chips each with length of 20mm and diameter of 5mm. The potato chips will be dried. The mass, length and volume of each potato will be recorded. Three will be placed into each test tube. The test tubes will be left for 3 hours before second measurements are taken. This is because a certain period of time is needed for osmosis to take place.

        During the experiment, the only thing I will change is the concentration of the sugar solutions.

        The results can only be accurate if the experiment is fair. Certain things needs to be kept same to make sure that the tests are fair. They are:

  • The size (length, diameter) of each potato chip needs to be kept the same because it affects the surface area of the potato chip. The surface area is directly proportional to the rate of osmosis. A large surface area gives more space for particles to diffuse through at one time, so the rate of osmosis is increased. On the other hand, a small surface area will allow fewer particles to go through at one time and the process of the osmosis will be slowed down. The borer keeps the diameter of the chips the same. The ruler is used to measure the length and adjustment will be done if necessary.

  • The mass of each potato chip needs to be kept the same because a wet (heavier) potato chip will end up weighting more than a dry (lighter) one after the experiment even if they were put into the same solution. The mass can be kept the same if all chips are dried properly before being put into the solutions.
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  • The temperature of the solution should be kept the same at room temperature. This is because high temperature causes the particles to vibrate more and therefore moves faster. This will cause the water particles to bombard the surface of the membrane more often and their chance of going through one of these ‘hole’ is increased. So more particles will go through and the overall speed of the process is increased.

  • The amount of time the potato is left in the test tube should be the same because particles are moving through the membrane all the ...

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