To investigate the combustion of alcohols.

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To investigate the combustion of alcohols


I am going to investigate what happens when I burn specific alcohols. Alcohols are a series of related organic molecules of a homologous series, where each member varies from another by having a different number of carbon and hydrogen molecules.
The general formula of an alcohol is: C
nH2n+1OH, where n is the number of Carbon atoms. The first in the series has n=1 end the second has n=2 and so on.
The similarities in molecular structure make alcohols have physically and chemically similar properties. Which change up the series because of the additional atoms. The table below shows a general increase in melting points and boiling points as the number of carbon atoms increases (from
advanced chemistry)

Name                 Molecular Formula Structural Formula         Melting Point         Boiling Point
Methanol        CH3OH                                        ?                ?

Ethanol         C2H5OH                                         -117                 78
(Propan-1-ol)         C3H7OH                                         -126                 97
(Butan-1-ol)         C4H9OH                                         -90                 117

The names like propan-1-ol refer to the position of the -OH group on the carbon chain, the OH groups above are on the first Carbon atom, the "1" position, there is also a “2” position and in larger molecules possible more.
This table shows that I should investigate a series of different alcohols in my investigation to get an accurate and wide scope. Ideally I would need at least 5 alcohols for a good range of results for comparison, however we can only do 3.

The complete combustion of an alcohol involves reaction with Oxygen to produce Carbon Dioxide and Water. The general formula for this reaction is:
nH2n+1OH + (n+1.5n)O2            (n+1)H2O + (n)CO2

Balanced equations for each of the available alcohols that I will use are as follows:
Ethanol C
2H5OH + 3O                     2CO2 + 3H2O
Propanol  C
3H7OH + 9O2                 4.5CO2 + 4H2O
Butanol C
4H9OH + 6O2                       4CO2 + 5H2O

The combustion process involves the breaking and remaking of chemical bonds between the reactant elements. If net bond breaking > net bond making then the reaction is endothermic. If the net bond making > net bond breaking then the reaction is exothermic. Therefore in an exothermic reaction the products are at a lower energy level than the reactants, because there is more energy given off when bonds are made then broken. The excess energy is given off as heat. The reaction needs a spark or burning splint to light the flame to supply the activation energy. The combustion reaction is then self-supporting as some of the energy released is used to supply the activation energy of the following reactants.

In an endothermic reaction the products are at a higher energy level than the reactants, the difference is the amount of energy taken in from the surroundings. These reactions must be heated. E.g. with a Bunsen burner.

I will need to find out the energy values for the alcohol and oxygen reactants, then compare these with the energy values for the carbon dioxide and water products.

Bond                Average bond energy in Kj/mol
H-O                 463
O=O                498

C-C                348

C-H                412

C-O                360

C=O                743
(taken form
calculations for GCSE chemistry)

(at standard temperature (298K) and pressure (1 atmosphere))
A mole is 6 x 1023 atoms of the chemical; the mass of one mole is equal to the relative atomic mass in grams. E.g. For ethanol C
Relative atomic mass = 24 (two Carbon) + 16 (one oxygen) + 5 (five Hydrogen) = 45.
So one mole is 45g of ethanol

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I can find out how much energy is given off by using an equation. By knowing the temperature rise of the water, its volume and specific heat capacity of the water, I can calculate the energy released.
Change in enthalpy (Q) = mTs
M = mass of water ( g )
S = Specific heat capacity of water ( 4.2 J/
oC /g )
T = Change in temperature of water (
oC )

Then by dividing this by the number of moles given off I can work out the kj/mol of energy released. I can then calculate the actual amount from secondary sources ...

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