To investigate the effect of a change in mass on the time taken for a parachute to fall a set distance.

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To investigate the effect of a change in mass on the time taken for a parachute to fall a set distance.

Other variables that could be investigated are:

· Surface area of the parachute
· Length of string (between the parachute and mass), which might control the volume of air under the parachute.
· Distribution of mass, i.e. perhaps on the parachute itself as opposed to on string attached to the parachute (this of course would not be a continuous variable so it would not be of great value).


One parachute was assembled using a square of bin liner, thread and sticky tape. The thread was tied in such a way that plasticene masses could be attached. For each mass, the experiment was performed three times and after completion, the entire investigation was repeated. The actual experiments consisted of timing how long the parachute took to travel from the ceiling to the floor, a distance of 2.85 metres.


· The larger the mass, the shorter the time because when the mass is larger the parachute accelerates to a higher speed due to the terminal velocity being higher.


Velocity = Distance

Acceleration = Increase in Velocity

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Results go here


· The first prediction, albeit rather basic, was correct and, although it was not tested, it is safe to presume that this is due to the fact that when the mass is larger, so is the terminal velocity. This means that the parachute can accelerate to a higher velocity resulting in a shorter time.
· As can be seen from the graph entitled “Average Times,” it can be seen that the drop in time is rather large to begin with but gets smaller as the mass increases. This cervical result leads one to believe ...

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