To investigate the effect of changing the concentration of acid on the rate of reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid.

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To investigate the effect of changing the concentration of acid on the rate of reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid


In this experiment, the factor to be investigated is the concentration.  This means that all other factors must stay the same or else this would not be a fair test.  I am going to investigate how different acid concentrations affect the rate of the reaction with Magnesium.  I will do this by monitoring how long it takes for a certain amount of Hydrogen to be given off.  This means that I can measure how much a water level inside an area decreases due to the Hydrogen pushing it out.  I have decided that I will wait until the water level reaches 50cm cubed before recording the result.  This will measure the speed of the reaction.  I chose this number because I should not have to wait too long for the water level to go down, but there is enough time to show how fast it’s taking place.

    Similarly, I could have measured how much Hydrogen is given off in a certain time span.  However, I am using the first option as I think it proves how quickly the reaction happens, rather than how much gas is produced.  So it relates to the title better.  I am going to use five different concentrations of acid and I’ll change the concentration by diluting each volume of acid with a certain percentage of water.  This means that the overall volume of the liquid is the same all the time, but just varying concentrations.  I have decided to do five variations.  I think this will be the right amount to as it is enough to form a valid conclusion but not too much that I won’t have time for repeats.  In order to make sure that this is a fair test and the results are accurate, I will repeat the whole experiment twice and work out the average.  However, due to the nature of this experiment, my results will not be completely accurate as some Hydrogen may escape before the reaction is sealed.  Also, human error means that the acid and water measurements cannot be totally correct.  In order to keep the experiment as accurate as possible, I will record the width, length and weight of the Magnesium each time I conduct the experiment.  To do this, I will need to use a micrometer, scales and a ruler.  This is because if the width, weight or length varies with pieces of Magnesium, this means there are more particles, therefore speeding up the reaction, as there are more of them to react with the acid particles.  This will make the experiment unfair and inaccurate. (See diagram below.)

Other factors that affect the rate of reaction are…

Temperature.  When the temperature increases, the particles have more energy and they then collide with each other more often, therefore making the experiment unfair.

Surface area. This means that there are basically more particles, so that there will be more of a chance that the particles will collide.  I.e. Things such as length, weight, and width of the Magnesium must stay the same.

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 The equation for this reaction is…  

Mg + 2HCl → Mg2 + H2  ………Hydrogen is given off.

The whole experiment must be as fair as possible.  As this is a reaction between two chemicals, I will wash out the apparatus (measuring cylinder and conical flask).  This is to make sure that there is no acid or magnesium still left inside.  If there were, it could alter the experiment, as there may be more Magnesium or Acid than needed.  I will also repeat the entire experiment twice to make sure it is accurate.  I will then ...

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