To investigate the effect of Concentration on the rate when mixing Dilute Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate Solution.

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Chemistry SC1

To investigate the effect of Concentration on the rate when mixing Dilute Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate Solution.



For my chemistry SC1, I am going to investigate concentration and how it affects the rate when mixing Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid. The equation for the experiment is the following:

Na2S2O3  (aq)  + 2HCl  (aq)                 2NaCl  (aq)  +  SO2  (G)  +  H2O  (l)  +  S  (s)


Before I am going to undertake this investigation I have carried out preliminary work and other investigations so I can bring out the best results in my SC1.

Firstly I investigated into how temperature affects the rate when mixing Dilute Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate Solution. The results obtained showed that the greater the temperature the quicker the rate is. Using the results from the experiment I can comment on the variable. The variable of temperature shows that during SC1 I am going to need to keep the temperature the same all the time as Temperature has the largest effect on rate.

Surface area and Volume are also variables in the experiment so to keep the Volume in this case constant, I am going to make sure the same volumes go in every time. There are no catalysts in this experiment so they do not need to be mentioned in the factors, which effect rate.

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The collision theory has a part to play in the experiment. It states that if a reaction is going to take place the particles (Ions, Molecules or Atoms) must collide with each other. Not all collisions end in a reaction though. For the particles to make a reaction though there must be a minimum energy. Basically this is the speed at which the particles travel. If the particles reach the minimum speed, the result is a reaction. This minimum energy (speed) is called the activation energy. For this experiment therefore the greater the concentration the greater the amount of ...

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