To investigate the effect of different concentrations of sucrose solution on plant tissue/cells

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To investigate the effect of different concentrations of sucrose solution on plant tissue/cells

By Karl Holland


During my experiment I will need to take the following safety precautions:

* I will need to watch my fingers when I am cutting the potato into the desired shape.

* I will have to be careful when I am carrying any glass beakers with wet hands so that I do not drop or let them slip from my hands.

* If I spill any sugar solution or distilled water onto the floor I must clean it up or it may be dangerous as someone could slip on it and injure them selves.

Background information

This is a plant cell in its normal state

This is a plant cell that has been placed in distilled water

This is a plant cell that has been placed in strong sugar solution

In my experiment this is what should happen to the cells. The potato in distilled water should increase in size and mass also it should become turgid. The potato place in the sugar solution should decrease in size and mass. Each strength of sugar solution should cause the cells to decrease in different proportions i.e. the potato in strong sugar solution will decrease most were as the one in the weakest sugar solution will decrease in size the least.)
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* I will use a cork borer to obtain a piece of potato and weigh it I will repeat this 5 times weighing each one and recording its weight. I am using a cork borer because it will give pieces the same and thickness. I am weighing the potato because I need to know its starting weight so I can work out the weight change.

* I will fill the test tubes with:

Test tube 1- 25ml of distilled water

Test tube 2- 25ml of 0.2 molar of sucrose solution

Test ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay


The spelling is okay although uses 'insure' instead of the correct use 'ensure' in some places, also uses incorrect spellings elsewhere although these are rare and the meaning of the writing is still very clear. The grammar is fine and well communicated as is the punctuation. They follow conventions and expectations better than expected for this level of GCSE student, and although the technical terms are still at GCSE level, the outline of the essay shows high understanding of what the outline of scientific coursework at A level standard would look like.

They show analytical skills accurately and well for this level of qualification. Their prediction which is their evaluation of the experiment shows correct scientific understanding and analysis of the experiment, and this continues throughout the essay. An appropriate prediction conclusion has been reached based on the background given in the initial stages of the essay to what will actually happen in the experiment.

The student has answered the set question very well and the whole essay is very well set out, although the technical terms and scientific reasoning in the essay are basic. Their responses are very clear and well set out, and they answered the set question well, showing reasoning behind their prediction and clear thinking as to the process and each stage of the experiment. I would liked to have seen more scientific reasoning behind what happens during osmosis and clearer links between membrane permeability and sucrose concentrations.